.. role:: no-test .. _jme: JME === JME expressions are used by students to enter answers to algebraic questions, and by question authors to define variables. JME syntax is similar to what you'd type on a calculator. .. _jme-syntax: Syntax ****** Expressions are strings of text, made of *variable names*, *literal values*, *grouped terms*, *function applications*, *operators*, *collections* and *indices*. Whitespace (space characters, tabs, newlines, etc.) can be used to separate literal values, for example ``a 2`` is not interpreted the same as ``a2``. For all other purposes, whitespace is ignored. .. _variable-names: Variable names -------------- The first character of a variable name must be an alphabet letter; after that, any combination of letters, numbers and underscores is allowed, with any number of ``'`` on the end. **Examples**: * ``x`` * ``x_1`` * ``time_between_trials`` * ``var1`` * ``row1val2`` * ``y''`` This screencast describes which variable names are valid, and gives some advice on how you should pick names: .. raw:: html .. _variable-annotations: Variable name annotations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Names can be given annotations to change how they are displayed. The following annotations are built-in: * ``verb`` – does nothing, but names like ``i``, ``pi`` and ``e`` are not interpreted as the famous mathematical constants. * ``op`` – denote the name as the name of an operator — wraps the name in the LaTeX ``\operatorname`` command when displayed * ``v`` or ``vector`` – denote the name as representing a vector — the name is displayed in boldface * ``unit`` – denote the name as representing a unit vector — places a hat above the name when displayed * ``dot`` – places a dot above the name when displayed, for example when representing a derivative * ``m`` or ``matrix`` – denote the name as representing a matrix — displayed using a non-italic font * ``diff`` - denote the name as a differential - the name is prefixed with ``\mathrm{d}`` when displayed, e.g. :math:`\mathrm{d}x` * ``degrees`` - denote the name as representing an angle in degrees - the name has a suffix of ``^{\circ}`` when displayed, e.g. :math:`x^{\circ}` Any other annotation is taken to be a LaTeX command. For example, a name ``vec:x`` is rendered in LaTeX as ``\vec{x}``, which places an arrow above the name. You can apply multiple annotations to a single variable. For example, ``v:dot:x`` produces a bold *x* with a dot on top: :math:`\boldsymbol{\dot{x}}`. Names with different annotations are considered to represent different values, for the purpose of simplification and evaluation. For example, in the expression ``dot:x + x``, the two terms will not be collected together. Literal values -------------- :data:`boolean`, :data:`integer`, :data:`number` and :data:`string` data types can be constructed with literal values. **Examples**: ``true``, ``1``, ``4.3``, ``"Numbas"`` There are also some built-in constants which are interpreted as number values: * ``pi`` or ``π`` - the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter; * ``e`` - the base of the natural logarithm; * ``i`` - the square root of -1; * ``infinity``, ``infty`` or ``∞`` - infinity; * ``nan`` - "Not a number", sometimes returned by JavaScript functions. You can disable, override or define new constants in the question editor's :ref:`question-constants` tab. Grouped terms ------------- Use parentheses ``( )`` to group terms. For example:: (a+2)(a+1) No other symbols can be used to group terms - square brackets ``[ ]`` and curly braces ``{ }`` have other meanings in Numbas. Function application -------------------- A name followed immediately by a bracketed group is interpreted as a function application. Function names can be :ref:`annotated ` similarly to variables. A function takes one or more *arguments*, separated by commas. Each argument is a JME expression. **Examples**: * ``f(x)`` * ``g(a,b)`` Operators --------- There are three kinds of operators: .. glossary:: Binary A symbol written between two terms, for example ``a + b`` (":math:`a` plus :math:`b`"). Each binary operator has a *precedence* which determines when it is evaluated in relation to other operators. Prefix A symbol written to the left of a term, for example ``!a`` ("not :math:`a`"). Postfix A symbol written to the right of a term, for example ``a!`` (":math:`a` factorial"). Relations ^^^^^^^^^ Some binary operators are marked as *relations*. Relations can be chained together, for example ``a``, ``>=``, ``=``, ``<>`` and ``in``. Collections ----------- There are two kinds of collection: *lists* and *dictionaries*. Both are written as a series of terms written between square brackets and separated by commas. For a dictionary, each term is a :data:`keypair`: a variable name or string followed by a colon and an expression. For example, ``[a: 1, "first name": "Owen"]`` is a dictionary with keys ``"a"`` and ``"first name"``. A collection made of any other kind of term is interpreted as a :data:`list`. An empty pair of brackets ``[]`` is interpreted as an empty :data:`list`. To construct an empty dictionary, use ``dict()``. **Examples**: * ``[1,2,3]`` * ``[a]`` * ``[]`` Indices ------- Many :ref:`JME data types ` support indexing. An index is a single term inside square brackets immediately following another term. The first element in a list has index ``0``. Negative indices read from the end: the index ``-1`` corresponds to the last item. **Examples**: * ``[1,2,3][0]`` produces the first element in the list, ``1``. * ``x[3..7]`` produces the fourth to the eighth elements of the list ``x``. * ``id(4)[1]`` produces the second row of a :math:`4 \times 4` identity matrix, ``vector(0,1,0,0)``. * ``info["name"]`` returns the value corresponding to the key ``"name"`` in the dictionary ``info``. * ``"Numbas"[0]`` produces the first letter of the string ``"Numbas"``, ``"N"``. Implicit multiplication ----------------------- JME supports implicit multiplication in some cases, allowing you to omit the multiplication symbol: * A bracket followed by an :data:integer`, :data:`number` or :data:`name`. * An :data:`integer`, :data:`number` or :data:`name` followed by a :data:`name`. **Examples**: * ``(a+1)2 = (a+1)*2`` * ``(x+y)z = (x+y)*z`` * ``2x = 2*x`` * ``x y = x*y`` .. warning:: Note that a name followed by a bracket is not always interpreted as implicit multiplication. Instead, it's interpreted as a function application. To interpret such expressions as products, in a mathematical expression part turn off the :term:`Allow unknown function names?` option, and when dealing with :data:`expression` values, use :jme:func:`expand_juxtapositions`. .. _jme-case-sensitivity: Case-sensitivity ---------------- The default behaviour of variable and function names in JME expressions is that they are considered case-insensitively: two names are considered equivalent if they are exactly equal when converted to lower-case. You can force the JME system to be case-sensitive using the :jme:func:`scope_case_sensitive` function. Synonymous keywords and characters ---------------------------------- JME interprets some keywords and characters as synonyms for others, when there are multiple conventional ways of writing the same thing, and there's no ambiguity about what they mean. Often there is a single Unicode character for a mathematical symbol which can also be written in JME as a combination of ASCII characters. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Synonyms * - :jme:func:`and` - ``&``, ``&&``, ``∧`` * - :jme:func:`or` - ``||``, ``∨`` * - :jme:func:`not` - ``¬`` * - :jme:func:`|` - ``divides`` * - :jme:func:`*` - ``×`` * - :jme:func:`/` - ``÷`` * - :jme:func:`in` - ``∈`` * - :jme:func:`implies` - ``⟹`` * - :jme:func:`<>` - ``≠`` * - :jme:func:`>=` - ``≥`` * - :jme:func:`<=` - ``≤`` * - :jme:func:`^` - ``ˆ`` * - :jme:func:`sqrt` - ``sqr`` * - :jme:func:`gcd` - ``gcf`` * - :jme:func:`sign` - ``sgn`` * - :jme:func:`abs` - ``len``, ``length`` * - :jme:func:`dec` - ``decimal`` Superscript characters are interpreted as exponents, without the ``^`` character. For example:: x⁻² = x^(-2) The following superscript characters are recognised:: ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁽ ⁾ ⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁿ ⁱ .. _jme-data-types: Data types ********** JME expressions are composed of the following data types. Some extensions add new data types. .. data:: number A real or complex floating-point number. ``i``, ``e``, ``infinity`` and ``pi`` are normally defined as the imaginary unit, the base of the natural logarithm, ∞ and π, respectively. Within a question you can remove or override these using the :ref:`question-constants` tab. **Examples**: ``0.0``, ``-1.0``, ``0.234``, ``i``, ``e``, ``pi`` Numbers of this type are represented using JavaScript's built-in ``Number`` object, which is a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number. This representation offers a very good compromise between precision and the range of values that can be stored, but can behave in unexpected ways. Accuracy is easily lost when dealing with very big or very small numbers, and on division. See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-arithmetic`, :ref:`jme-fns-number-operations`, :ref:`jme-fns-trigonometry` and :ref:`jme-fns-number-theory`. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`decimal` .. data:: integer An element of the set of integers, :math:`\mathbb{Z}`. **Examples**: ``0``, ``1``, ``-2``, ``431``. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`number` * :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal` .. data:: rational A fraction; an element of the set of rationals, :math:`\mathbb{Q}`. The numerator and denominator are integers. Instances of this data type may be top-heavy, with numerator bigger than the denominator, and are not required to be reduced. **Examples**: ``1/1``, ``-34/2``, ``3/4``. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` .. data:: decimal A number with a guaranteed level of precision, and arbitrary order of magnitude. Numbers of this type are represented using the `Decimal.js `_ library. They're guaranteed to be accurate to 40 significant figures. The order of magnitude is stored separately from the significant digits, so there's no loss of precision for very big or very small numbers. **Examples**: ``dec(0)``, ``dec("1.23e-5")``, ``6.0221409*10^23`` **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`number` .. data:: boolean Booleans represent either truth or falsity. The logical operations and, or and xor operate on and return booleans. **Examples**: ``true``, ``false`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-logic` and :ref:`jme-fns-control-flow`. .. data:: string Use strings to create non-mathematical text. Either ``'`` or ``"`` can be used to delimit strings. You can escape a character by placing a single backslash character before it. The following escape codes have special behaviour: ====== ========= ``\n`` New-line ``\{`` ``\{`` ``\}`` ``\}`` ====== ========= If you want to write a string which contains a mixture of single and double quotes, you can delimit it with triple-double-quotes or triple-single-quotes, to save escaping too many characters. **Examples**: ``"hello there"``, ``'hello there'``, ``""" I said, "I'm Mike's friend" """`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-strings`. .. data:: list An ordered list of elements of any data type. **Examples**: ``[0,1,2,3]``, ``[a,b,c]``, ``[true,false,true]`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-lists`. .. data:: dict A 'dictionary', mapping key strings to values of any data type. A dictionary is created by enclosing one or more key-value pairs (a string followed by a colon and any JME expression) in square brackets, or with the ``dict`` function. Key strings are case-sensitive. **Examples**: * ``["a": 1, "b": 2]`` * ``["name": "Tess Tuser", "age": 106, "hobbies": ["reading","writing","arithmetic"] ]`` * ``dict("key1": 0.1, "key2": 1..3)`` * ``dict([["key1",1], ["key2",2]])`` .. warning:: Because lists and dicts use similar syntax, ``[]`` produces an empty list, **not** an empty dictionary. To create an empty dictionary, use ``dict()``. See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-dictionaries` and :ref:`jme-fns-json`. .. data:: range A range ``a..b#c`` represents (roughly) the set of numbers :math:`\{a+nc \: | \: 0 \leq n \leq \frac{b-a}{c} \}`. If the step size is zero, then the range is the continuous interval :math:`[a,b]`. **Examples**: ``1..3``, ``1..3#0.1``, ``1..3#0`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-ranges`. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`list` - a list of :data:`number` values corresponding to the numbers included in the range. If the step size is zero, an error is thrown. .. data:: set An unordered set of elements of any data type. The elements are pairwise distinct - if you create a set from a list with duplicate elements, the resulting set will not contain the duplicates. **Examples**: ``set(a,b,c)``, ``set([1,2,3,4])``, ``set(1..5)`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-sets`. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`list` .. data:: vector The components of a vector must be numbers. When combining vectors of different dimensions, the smaller vector is padded with zeros to make up the difference. **Examples**: ``vector(1,2)``, ``vector([1,2,3,4])`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-vector-and-matrix-arithmetic`. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`list` - a list of :data:`number` values corresponding to the components of the vector. .. data:: matrix Matrices are constructed from lists of numbers, representing the rows. When combining matrices of different dimensions, the smaller matrix is padded with zeros to make up the difference. To retrieve the ``n`` th row of a matrix ``m``, write ``m[n]``. The row is returned as a :data:`vector` value. To retrieve the cell in row ``a`` and column ``b``, write ``m[a][b]``. Rows and columns are both numbered starting from zero. **Examples**: ``matrix([1,2,3],[4,5,6])``, ``matrix(row1,row2,row3)`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-vector-and-matrix-arithmetic`. **Automatically converts to:** * :data:`list` - a list of :data:`vector` values corresponding to the rows of the matrix. .. data:: name A variable name. When an expression is evaluated, all variable names are replaced withe their corresponding value in the current scope. .. data:: function An application of a function. **Examples**: ``f(x)``, ``sin(x)`` .. data:: op An infix binary operation, or a pre-/post-fix unary operation. **Examples**: ``x+y``, ``n!``, ``a and b`` .. data:: html An HTML DOM node. **Examples**: ``html("
")`` See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-html`. .. data:: expression A JME sub-expression. Sub-expressions can be simplified, rearranged, pattern-matched, or evaluated using given values for their free variables. See functions related to :ref:`jme-fns-subexpressions`. Automatic data type conversion ------------------------------ Some data types can be automatically converted to others when required. For example, the number-like types such as :data:`integer` and :data:`decimal` can be automatically converted to :data:`number` values. The data types of the arguments to a function application determine which version of the function is used. Ideally, this will do what you expect without you having to think about it. For reference, the process for deciding on what conversions to perform is as follows: * If there is a version of the function which takes exactly the given data types, that is used. * Otherwise, each definition of the function is compared by looking at each of the arguments, working from left to right. * A definition which does not convert an argument is preferred to one that does. * If both definitions being compared need to convert an argument, the type that occurs first in the input type's list of automatic conversion methods is used. (This follows the order of the types under the "Automatically converts to" headers above) The following examples illustrate how this works. .. list-table:: :widths: 15 15 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Expression - Type of result - Explanation * - ``1+3.3`` - :data:`number` - The ``1`` is converted to a :data:`number`, and then added to ``3.3``. * - ``1+1/2`` - :data:`rational` - :data:`integer` prefers to convert to :data:`rational` over :data:`number`. * - ``1.23+dec("1.2")`` - :data:`decimal` - :data:`decimal` values are preferred to :data:`number` because they're more precise. * - ``1/2+0.5`` - :data:`number` - :data:`rational` can convert to :data:`number`, but not the other way round, so :data:`number` addition is used. * - ``set(1,2,3,4) except [2]`` - :data:`list` - :func:`except` is only defined on :data:`list` values, so the :data:`set` is converted to a :data:`list` automatically. .. _jme-functions: Function reference ****************** .. contents:: :local: .. _jme-fns-arithmetic: Arithmetic ---------- .. jme:function:: x+y :op: + :keywords: add, plus Addition. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`list`, :data:`list` → :data:`list` - concatenate two lists * :data:`list`, anything → :data:`list` - add an item to the end of a list * :data:`dict`, :data:`dict` → :data:`dict` - merge two dictionaries, with values from the right-hand side taking precedence when the same key is present in both dictionaries. * :data:`string`, anything → :data:`string` - convert the right-hand argument to a string, and concatenate * anything, :data:`string` → :data:`string` - convert the left-hand argument to a string, and concatenate * :data:`vector`, :data:`vector` → :data:`vector` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * :data:`rational`, :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`number`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``1+2`` → ``3`` * ``vector(1,2)+vector(3,4)`` → ``vector(4,6)`` * ``matrix([1,2],[3,4])+matrix([5,6],[7,8])`` → ``matrix([6,8],[10,12])`` * ``[1,2,3]+4`` → ``[1,2,3,4]`` * ``[1,2,3]+[4,5,6]`` → ``[1,2,3,4,5,6]`` * ``"hi "+"there"`` → ``"hi there"`` .. jme:function:: x-y :op: - :keywords: subtraction, minus Subtraction. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`vector`, :data:`vector` → :data:`vector` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * :data:`rational`, :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`number`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`set`, :data:`set` → :data:`set` **Examples**: * ``1-2`` → ``-1`` * ``vector(3,2)-vector(1,4)`` → ``vector(2,-2)`` * ``matrix([5,6],[3,4])-matrix([1,2],[7,8])`` → ``matrix([4,4],[-4,-4])`` .. jme:function:: x*y :keywords: times, multiply, multiplication, product :op: * Multiplication. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`number`, :data:`vector` → :data:`vector` * :data:`vector`, :data:`number` → :data:`vector` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`vector` → :data:`vector` * :data:`number`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`vector`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`vector` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * :data:`rational`, :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`number`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``1*2`` → ``2`` * ``2*vector(1,2,3)`` → ``vector(2,4,6)`` * ``matrix([1,2],[3,4])*2`` → ``matrix([2,4],[6,8])`` * ``matrix([1,2],[3,4])*vector(1,2)`` → ``vector(5,11)`` .. jme:function:: x/y :keywords: divide, division, quotient, ratio :op: / Division. Only defined for numbers. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`vector`, :data:`number` → :data:`vector` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`rational` * :data:`rational`, :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`number`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``1.2/3`` → ``0.4``. .. jme:function:: x^y :keywords: power, exponential :op: ^ Exponentiation. ``exp(x)`` is a synonym for ``e^x``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`number` * :data:`rational`, :data:`integer` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``3^2`` → ``9`` * ``e^(pi * i)`` → ``-1`` .. jme:function:: exp(x) :keywords: power, exponential :math:`e^x` - a synonym for ``e^x``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``exp(1)`` → ``e`` .. _jme-fns-number-operations: Number operations ----------------- .. jme:function:: decimal(n) decimal(x) dec(x) :noexamples: Construct a :data:`decimal` value. Any string accepted by `Decimal.js `_ is accepted. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`string` → :data:`decimal` .. jme:function:: rational(n) Convert ``n`` to a rational number, taking an approximation when necessary. **Definition**: * :data:`number` → :data:`rational` **Example**: * ``rational(pi)`` → ``355/113`` .. jme:function:: int(n) :keywords: integer Convert ``n`` to an integer, rounding to the nearest integer. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``int(3.0)`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: abs(x) len(x) length(x) :keywords: absolute value, modulus, length, size Absolute value, length, or modulus. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`string` → :data:`number` - the number of characters * :data:`list` → :data:`number` - the number of elements * :data:`range` → :data:`number` - the difference between the upper and lower bound * :data:`vector` → :data:`number` * :data:`dict` → :data:`number` - the number of keys * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`set` → :data:`number` - the number of elements **Examples**: * ``abs(-8)`` → ``8`` * ``abs(3-4i)`` → ``5`` * ``abs("Hello")`` → ``5`` * ``abs([1,2,3])`` → ``3`` * ``len([1,2,3])`` → ``3`` * ``len(set([1,2,2]))`` → ``2`` * ``length(vector(3,4))`` → ``5`` * ``abs(vector(3,4,12))`` → ``13`` * ``len(["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 1])`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: arg(z) :keywords: argument, direction Argument of a complex number. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``arg(-1)`` → ``pi`` .. jme:function:: re(z) :keywords: real part Real part of a complex number. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``re(1+2i)`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: im(z) :keywords: imaginary part Imaginary part of a complex number. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``im(1+2i)`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: conj(z) :keywords: conjugate, complex Complex conjugate. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``conj(1+i)`` → ``1-i`` .. jme:function:: isint(x) :keywords: integer, test Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is an integer - that is, it is real and has no fractional part. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``isint(4.0)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: iszero(n) :keywords: integer, test, zero Returns ``true`` when ``n`` is exactly 0. **Definitions**: * :data:`decimal` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``iszero(0)`` → ``true`` * ``iszero(1)`` → ``false`` * ``iszero(dec(0))`` → ``true`` * ``iszero(sin(pi/2)-1)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: sqrt(x) sqr(x) :keywords: square root Square root of a number. **Examples**: * ``sqrt(4)`` → ``2`` * ``sqrt(-1)`` → ``i`` .. jme:function:: root(x,n) :keywords: root, power ``n``:sup:`th` root of ``x``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``root(8,3)`` → ``2``. .. jme:function:: ln(x) :keywords: logarithm, natural Natural logarithm. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``ln(e)`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: log(x,b) :keywords: logarithm, arbitrary, base Logarithm with base ``b``, or base 10 if ``b`` is not given. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``log(100)`` → ``2``. * ``log(343,7)`` → ``3``. .. jme:function:: degrees(x) :keywords: radians, convert, angle Convert radians to degrees. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``degrees(pi/2)`` → ``90`` .. jme:function:: radians(x) :keywords: degrees, convert, angle Convert degrees to radians. **Example**: * ``radians(180)`` → ``pi`` .. jme:function:: sign(x) sgn(x) :keywords: positive, negative Sign of a number. Equivalent to :math:`\frac{x}{|x|}`, or 0 when ``x`` is 0. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``sign(3)`` → ``1`` * ``sign(-3)`` → ``-1`` .. jme:function:: max(a,b) :keywords: maximum Greatest of the given numbers. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * list of :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * list of :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * :data:`rational`, :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * list of :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * list of :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``max(46,2)`` → ``46`` * ``max([1,2,3])`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: min(a,b) min(numbers) :keywords: minimum Least of the given numbers. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * list of :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * list of :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * :data:`rational`, :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * list of :data:`rational` → :data:`rational` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` * list of :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``min(3,2)`` → ``2`` * ``min([1,2,3])`` → ``1`` * ``min(1/2, 2/3)`` → ``1/2`` .. jme:function:: clamp(x,a,b) :keywords: restrict Return the point nearest to ``x`` in the interval :math:`[a,b]`. Equivalent to ``max(a,min(x,b))``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``clamp(1,0,2)`` → ``1`` * ``clamp(-1,0,2)`` → ``0`` * ``clamp(3,0,2)`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: precround(n,d) :keywords: round, decimal, places Round ``n`` to ``d`` decimal places. On matrices and vectors, this rounds each element independently. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`vector`, :data:`number` → :data:`vector` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`integer` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``precround(pi,5)`` → ``3.14159`` * ``precround(21.3,5)`` → ``21.30000`` * ``precround(matrix([[0.123,4.56],[54,98.765]]),2)`` → ``matrix([0.12,4.56],[54.00,98.77])`` * ``precround(vector(1/3,2/3),1)`` → ``vector(0.3,0.7)`` .. jme:function:: siground(n,f) :keywords: round, significant, figures Round ``n`` to ``f`` significant figures. On matrices and vectors, this rounds each element independently. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`vector`, :data:`number` → :data:`vector` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`integer` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``siground(pi,3)`` → ``3.14`` * ``siground(21.3,5)`` → ``21.300`` * ``siground(matrix([[0.123,4.56],[54,98.765]]),2)`` → ``matrix([0.12,4.6],[54,99])`` * ``siground(vector(10/3,20/3,1),2)`` → ``vector(3.3,6.7,1.0)`` .. jme:function:: with_precision(n, precision, precisionType) :keywords: precision :noexamples: Add or remove a :data:`number` value's precision information. This function is used in the attempt suspend data process; it's unlikely you'd want to use it in another context. **Definition**: * ``with_precision(3.00, 2, "dp")`` .. jme:function:: imprecise(n) :keywords: precision :noexamples: Remove a :data:`number` value's precision information. Equivalent to ``with_precision(n, nothing, nothing)``. This function is used in the attempt suspend data process; it's unlikely you'd want to use it in another context. .. jme:function:: withintolerance(a,b,t) :keywords: close, near, tolerance Returns ``true`` if :math:`b-t \leq a \leq b+t`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``withintolerance(pi,22/7,0.1)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: dpformat(n,d,[style]) :keywords: string, format, decimal, places, write Round ``n`` to ``d`` decimal places and return a string, padding with zeros if necessary. If ``style`` is given, the number is rendered using the given notation style. See the page on :ref:`number-notation` for more on notation styles. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`string` * :data:`number`, :data:`number`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`integer` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``dpformat(1.2,4)`` → ``"1.2000"`` .. jme:function:: countdp(n) :keywords: decimal, places Assuming ``n`` is a string representing a number, return the number of decimal places used. The string is passed through :jme:func:`cleannumber` first. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``countdp("1.0")`` → ``1`` * ``countdp("1")`` → ``0`` * ``countdp("not a number")`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: sigformat(n,d,[style]) :keywords: string, format, significant, figures, write Round ``n`` to ``d`` significant figures and return a string, padding with zeros if necessary. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`string` * :data:`number`, :data:`number`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`integer` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``sigformat(4,3)`` → ``"4.00"`` .. jme:function:: countsigfigs(n) :keywords: significant, figures Assuming ``n`` is a string representing a number, return the number of significant figures. The string is passed through :jme:func:`cleannumber` first. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``countsigfigs("1")`` → ``1`` * ``countsigfigs("100")`` → ``1`` * ``countsigfigs("1.0")`` → ``2`` * ``countsigfigs("not a number")`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: togivenprecision(str, precisionType, precision, strict) :keywords: test, precision, significant, figures, decimal, places Returns ``true`` if ``str`` is a string representing a number given to the desired number of decimal places or significant figures. ``precisionType`` is either ``"dp"``, for decimal places, or ``"sigfig"``, for significant figures. If ``strict`` is ``true``, then trailing zeroes **must** be included. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`number`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``togivenprecision("1","dp",1,true)`` → ``false`` * ``togivenprecision("1","dp",1,false)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision("1.0","dp",1,true)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision("100","sigfig",1,true)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision("100","sigfig",3,true)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: togivenprecision_scientific(str, precisionType, precision) :keywords: test, precision, significant, figures, decimal, places Returns ``true`` if ``str`` is a string representing a number given to the desired number of decimal places or significant figures in scientific notation. This looks only at the significand part. A significand of the form ``D.DD`` is considered to be given to 2 decimal places, or three significant figures. Trailing zeros must be given: ``1.2`` is only considered to be given to 1 decimal place, and ``1.20`` is only considered to be given to 2 decimal places. ``precisionType`` is either ``"dp"``, for decimal places, or ``"sigfig"``, for significant figures. If ``strict`` is ``true``, then trailing zeroes **must** be included. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`number`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1e2","dp",0)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1.0e2","dp",0)`` → ``false`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1.0e2","dp",1)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1e2","sigfig",1)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1.0e2","sigfig",1)`` → ``false`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1.0e2","sigfig",2)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1.23e2","sigfig",3)`` → ``true`` * ``togivenprecision_scientific("1.23e2","dp",2)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: tonearest(a,b) :keywords: round, multiple, nearest Round ``a`` to the nearest multiple of ``b``. **Definitions**: * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``tonearest(1.234,0.1)`` → ``1.2`` .. jme:function:: formatnumber(n,style) :keywords: string, number, write, convert Render the number ``n`` using the given number notation style. See the page on :ref:`number-notation` for more on notation styles. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``formatnumber(1234.567,"eu")`` → ``"1.234,567"`` .. jme:function:: scientificnumberlatex(n) :keywords: latex, string, write, convert Return a LaTeX string representing the given number in scientific notation, :math:`a \times 10^b`. This function exists because scientific notation may use superscripts, which aren't easily typeset in plain text. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`string` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``scientificnumberlatex(123)`` → ``"1.23 \\times 10^{2}"`` .. jme:function:: scientificnumberhtml(n) :keywords: html, convert, write, number Return an HTML element representing the given number in scientific notation, :math:`a \times 10^b`. This function exists because scientific notation may use superscripts, which aren't easily typeset in plain text. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`html` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`html` **Example**: * ``scientificnumberhtml(123)`` → ``html(safe("1.23 × 102"))`` .. jme:function:: cleannumber(str, styles) :keywords: strip, trim, validate, number Clean a string potentially representing a number. Remove space, and then try to identify a notation style, and rewrite to the ``plain-en`` style. ``styles`` is a list of :ref:`notation styles `. If ``styles`` is given, ``str`` will be tested against the given styles. If it matches, the string will be rewritten using the matched integer and decimal parts, with punctuation removed and the decimal point changed to a dot. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`list` of :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Examples**: * ``cleannumber("100 000,02",["si-fr"])`` → ``"100000.02"`` * ``cleannumber(" 1 ")`` → ``"1"`` * ``cleannumber("1.0")`` → ``"1.0"`` .. jme:function:: matchnumber(str,styles) :keywords: test, number, representation, string Try to match a string representing a number in any of the given styles at the start of the given string, and return both the matched text and a corresponding :data:`number` value. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`list` of :data:`string` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``matchnumber("1.234",["plain","eu"])`` → ``[ "1.234", 1.234 ]`` * ``matchnumber("1,234",["plain","eu"])`` → ``[ "1,234", 1.234 ]`` * ``matchnumber("5 000 things",["plain","si-en"])`` → ``[ "5 000", 5000 ]`` * ``matchnumber("apple",["plain"])`` → ``[ "", NaN ]`` .. jme:function:: parsenumber(string,style) :keywords: parse, convert, number, string Parse a string representing a number written in the given style. If a list of styles is given, the first that accepts the given string is used. See the page on :ref:`number-notation` for more on notation styles. **Examples**: * ``parsenumber("1 234,567","si-fr")`` → ``1234.567`` * ``parsenumber("1.001",["si-fr","eu"])`` → ``1001`` .. jme:function:: parsenumber_or_fraction(string,style) :keywords: parse, convert, number, fraction, string Works the same as :jme:func:`parsenumber`, but also accepts strings of the form ``number/number``, which it interprets as fractions. **Example**: * ``parsenumber_or_fraction("1/2")`` → ``0.5`` .. jme:function:: parsedecimal(string,style) :keywords: parse, convert, number, decimal, string Parse a string representing a number written in the given style, and return a :data:`decimal` value. If a list of styles is given, the first that accepts the given string is used. See the page on :ref:`number-notation` for more on notation styles. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`decimal` * :data:`string`, :data:`list` of :data:`string` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``parsedecimal("1 234,567","si-fr")`` → ``dec("1234.567")`` * ``parsedecimal("1.001",["si-fr","eu"])`` → ``dec("1001")`` .. jme:function:: parsedecimal_or_fraction(string,style) :keywords: parse, convert, number, decimal, string, fraction Works the same as :jme:func:`parsedecimal`, but also accepts strings of the form ``number/number``, which it interprets as fractions. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``parsedecimal_or_fraction("1/2")`` → ``dec("0.5")`` .. jme:function:: tobinary(n) :keywords: convert, number, binary, string, base Write the given number in binary: base 2. **Definitions**: * :data:`integer` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``tobinary(13)`` → ``"1101"`` .. jme:function:: tooctal(n) :keywords: convert, number, octal, string, base Write the given number in octal: base 8. **Definitions**: * :data:`integer` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``tooctal(13)`` → ``"15"`` .. jme:function:: tohexadecimal(n) :keywords: convert, number, hexadecimal, string, base Write the given number in hexadecimal: base 16. **Definitions**: * :data:`integer` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``tohexadecimal(44)`` → ``"2c"`` .. jme:function:: tobase(n,base) :keywords: convert, number, string, base Write the given number in the given base. ``base`` can be any integer between 2 and 36. **Definitions**: * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``tobase(13,4)`` → ``"31"`` * ``tobase(13,5)`` → ``"23"`` * ``tobase(50,20)`` → ``"2a"`` .. jme:function:: frombinary(s) :keywords: convert, number, binary, string, base Convert a string representing a number written in binary (base 2) to a :data:`integer` value. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``frombinary("1010")`` → ``10`` .. jme:function:: fromoctal(s) :keywords: convert, number, octal, string, base Convert a string representing a number written in octal (base 8) to a :data:`integer` value. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``fromoctal("54")`` → ``44`` .. jme:function:: fromhexadecimal(s) :keywords: convert, number, hexadecimal, string, base Convert a string representing a number written in hexadecimal (base 16) to a :data:`integer` value. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``fromhexadecimal("b4")`` → ``180`` .. jme:function:: frombase(s,base) :keywords: convert, number, string, base Convert a string representing a number written in the given base to a :data:`integer` value. ``base`` can be any integer between 2 and 36. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` **Example**: * ``frombase("b4",20)`` → ``224`` * ``frombase("321",5)`` → ``86`` * ``frombase("621",5)`` → ``NaN`` .. jme:function:: isnan(n) :keywords: test, number, validate, invalid Is ``n`` the "not a number" value, ``NaN``? **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``isnan(1)`` → ``false`` * ``isnan(parsenumber("a","en"))`` → ``true`` .. _jme-fns-trigonometry: Trigonometry ------------ Trigonometric functions all work in radians, and have as their domain the complex numbers. .. jme:function:: sin(x) :keywords: sine, trigonometry, trigonometric Sine. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``sin(0)`` → ``0`` * ``sin(pi/2)`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: cos(x) :keywords: cosine, trigonometry, trigonometric Cosine. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``cos(0)`` → ``1`` * ``cos(pi/2)`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: tan(x) :keywords: tangent, trigonometry, trigonometric Tangent: :math:`\tan(x) = \frac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``tan(0)`` → ``0`` * ``tan(pi/4)`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: cosec(x) :keywords: cosecant, trigonometry, trigonometric Cosecant: :math:`\csc(x) = \frac{1}{sin(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``cosec(pi/2)`` → ``1`` * ``cosec(pi/6)`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: sec(x) :keywords: trigonometry, trigonometric, secant Secant: :math:`\sec(x) = \frac{1}{cos(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``sec(0)`` → ``1`` * ``sec(pi/3)`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: cot(x) :keywords: trigonometry, trigonometric, cotangent Cotangent: :math:`\cot(x) = \frac{1}{\tan(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``cot(pi/4)`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: arcsin(x) :keywords: trigonometry, trigonometric, arcsine, inverse Inverse of :jme:func:`sin`. When :math:`x \in [-1,1]`, ``arcsin(x)`` returns a value in :math:`[-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}]`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``arcsin(0)`` → ``0`` * ``arcsin(1)`` → ``1.5707963268`` .. jme:function:: arccos(x) :keywords: trigonometry, trigonometric, arccosine, inverse Inverse of :jme:func:`cos`. When :math:`x \in [-1,1]`, ``arccos(x)`` returns a value in :math:`[0, \frac{\pi}]`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``arccos(1)`` → ``0`` * ``arccos(0)`` → ``1.5707963268`` .. jme:function:: arctan(x) :keywords: trigonometry, trigonometric, arctangent, inverse Inverse of :jme:func:`tan`. When :math:`x` is non-complex, ``arctan(x)`` returns a value in :math:`[-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}]`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``arctan(0)`` → ``0`` * ``arctan(1)`` → ``0.7853981634`` .. jme:function:: atan2(y,x) :keywords: trigonometry, trigonometric, arctangent, inverse The angle in radians between the positive :math:`x`-axis and the line through the origin and :math:`(x,y)`. This is often equivalent to ``arctan(y/x)``, except when :math:`x \lt 0`, when :math:`pi` is either added or subtracted from the result. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``atan2(0,1)`` → ``0`` * ``atan2(sin(1),cos(1))`` → ``1`` * ``atan2(sin(pi/4), cos(pi/4)) / pi`` → ``0.25`` * ``atan2(sin(pi/4), -cos(pi/4)) / pi`` → ``0.75`` .. jme:function:: sinh(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, sine Hyperbolic sine: :math:`\sinh(x) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathrm{e}^x - \mathrm{e}^{-x} \right)` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``sinh(0)`` → ``0`` * ``sinh(1)`` → ``1.1752011936`` .. jme:function:: cosh(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, cosine Hyperbolic cosine: :math:`\cosh(x) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathrm{e}^x + \mathrm{e}^{-x} \right)` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``cosh(0)`` → ``1`` * ``cosh(1)`` → ``1.5430806348`` .. jme:function:: tanh(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, tangent Hyperbolic tangent: :math:`\tanh(x) = \frac{\sinh(x)}{\cosh(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``tanh(0)`` → ``0`` * ``tanh(1)`` → ``0.761594156`` .. jme:function:: cosech(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, cosecant Hyperbolic cosecant: :math:`\operatorname{cosech}(x) = \frac{1}{\sinh(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``cosech(1)`` → ``0.8509181282`` .. jme:function:: sech(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, secant Hyperbolic secant: :math:`\operatorname{sech}(x) = \frac{1}{\cosh(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``sech(0)`` → ``1`` * ``sech(1)`` → ``0.6480542737`` .. jme:function:: coth(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, tangent Hyperbolic cotangent: :math:`\coth(x) = \frac{1}{\tanh(x)}` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``coth(1)`` → ``1.3130352855`` .. jme:function:: arcsinh(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, arcsine, inverse Inverse of :jme:func:`sinh`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``arcsinh(0)`` → ``0`` * ``arcsinh(1)`` → ``0.881373587`` .. jme:function:: arccosh(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, arccosine, inverse Inverse of :jme:func:`cosh`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``arccosh(1)`` → ``0`` * ``arccosh(2)`` → ``1.3169578969`` .. jme:function:: arctanh(x) :keywords: hyperbolic, arctangent, inverse Inverse of :jme:func:`tanh`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``arctanh(0)`` → ``0`` * ``arctanh(0.5)`` → ``0.5493061443`` .. _jme-fns-number-theory: Number theory ------------- .. jme:function:: x! fact(x) :keywords: factorial :op: ! Factorial. When ``x`` is not an integer, :math:`\Gamma(x+1)` is used instead. ``fact(x)`` is a synonym for ``x!``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``fact(3)`` → ``6`` * ``3!`` → ``6`` * ``fact(5.5)`` → ``287.885277815`` .. jme:function:: factorise(n) :keywords: factorise, prime, number, factorisation Factorise ``n``. Returns the exponents of the prime factorisation of ``n`` as a list. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Examples** * ``factorise(18)`` → ``[1,2]`` * ``factorise(70)`` → ``[1,0,1,1]`` .. jme:function:: divisors(n) :keywords: divisors, factors, number, factorisation Returns the divisors of `n` as a list: positive integers :math:`d` such that :math:`d \| n`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Examples** * ``divisors(18)`` → ``[1,2,3,6,9,18]`` * ``divisors(100)`` → ``[1,2,4,5,10,20,25,50,100]`` .. jme:function:: proper_divisors(n) :keywords: divisors, factors, number, factorisation Returns the proper divisors of `n` as a list: positive integers :math:`d < n` such that :math:`d \| n`. That is, the divisors of `n`, excluding `n` itself. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Examples** * ``proper_divisors(18)`` → ``[1,2,3,6,9]`` * ``proper_divisors(100)`` → ``[1,2,4,5,10,20,25,50]`` .. jme:function:: largest_square_factor(n) :keywords: divisor, square, factorisation The largest perfect square factor of the given number. When the prime factorisation of :math:`n` is :math:`p_1^{x_1} \times \ldots \times p_k^{x_k}`, the largest perfect square factor is `p_1^{2 \lfloor x_1/2 \rfloor} \times ... \times p_k^{2 \lfloor x_k/2}`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples** * ``largest_square_factor(15)`` → ``1`` * ``largest_square_factor(18)`` → ``9`` * ``largest_square_factor(144)`` → ``144`` .. jme:function:: gamma(x) :keywords: number Gamma function. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``gamma(3)`` → ``2`` * ``gamma(1+i)`` → ``0.4980156681 - 0.1549498283i`` .. jme:function:: ceil(x) :keywords: ceiling, round, up, integer, nearest Round up to the nearest integer. When ``x`` is complex, each component is rounded separately. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``ceil(3.2)`` → ``4`` * ``ceil(-1.3+5.4i)`` → ``-1+6i`` .. jme:function:: floor(x) :keywords: round, down, integer, nearest Round down to the nearest integer. When ``x`` is complex, each component is rounded separately. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``floor(3.5)`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: round(x) :keywords: round, nearest, integer Round to the nearest integer. ``0.5`` is rounded up. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Examples**: * ``round(0.1)`` → ``0`` * ``round(0.9)`` → ``1`` * ``round(4.5)`` → ``5`` * ``round(-0.5)`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: trunc(x, [p]) :keywords: truncate, integer, round, nearest Round towards zero: truncate the number ``x`` to the nearest integer or to ``p`` decimal places. If ``x`` is positive, round down; if it is negative, round up. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``trunc(3.3)`` → ``3`` * ``trunc(-3.3)`` → ``-3`` * ``trunc(9.8765, 2)`` → ``9.87`` .. jme:function:: fract(x) :keywords: fractional, part, decimal Fractional part of a number. Equivalent to ``x-trunc(x)``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``fract(4.3)`` → ``0.3`` .. jme:function:: rational_approximation(n,[accuracy]) :keywords: approximation, fraction, continued Compute a rational approximation to the given number by computing terms of its continued fraction, returning the numerator and denominator separately. The approximation will be within :math:`e^{-\text{accuracy}}` of the true value; the default value for ``accuracy`` is 15. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`list` * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``rational_approximation(pi)`` → ``[355,113]`` * ``rational_approximation(pi,3)`` → ``[22,7]`` .. jme:function:: mod(a,b) :keywords: modulus, remainder, division, modulo Modulo; remainder after integral division, i.e. :math:`a \bmod b`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`integer`, :data:`integer` → :data:`integer` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`decimal` **Example**: * ``mod(5,3)`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: perm(n,k) :keywords: permutations, count, combinatoric Count permutations, i.e. :math:`^n \kern-2pt P_k = \frac{n!}{(n-k)!}`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``perm(5,2)`` → ``20`` .. jme:function:: comb(n,k) :keywords: combinations, count, combinatoric Count combinations, i.e. :math:`^n \kern-2pt C_k = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``comb(5,2)`` → ``10``. .. jme:function:: gcd(a,b) gcf(a,b) :keywords: greatest, common, divisor, factor Greatest common divisor of integers ``a`` and ``b``. Can also write ``gcf(a,b)``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``gcd(12,16)`` → ``4`` .. jme:function:: gcd_without_pi_or_i(a,b) :keywords: greatest, common, divisor, factor Take out factors of :math:`\pi` or :math:`i` from ``a`` and ``b`` before computing their greatest common denominator. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``gcd_without_pi_or_i(6*pi, 9)`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: coprime(a,b) :keywords: test, prime, factorisation Are ``a`` and ``b`` coprime? True if their :jme:func:`gcd` is :math:`1`, or if either of ``a`` or ``b`` is not an integer. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``coprime(12,16)`` → ``false`` * ``coprime(2,3)`` → ``true`` * ``coprime(1,3)`` → ``true`` * ``coprime(1,1)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: lcm(a,b) :keywords: lowest, common, multiple Lowest common multiple of integers ``a`` and ``b``. Can be used with any number of arguments; it returns the lowest common multiple of all the arguments. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`number` **Examples** * ``lcm(8,12)`` → ``24`` * ``lcm(8,12,5)`` → ``120`` .. jme:function:: x|y x divides y :keywords: divides, test :op: | ``x`` divides ``y``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``4|8`` → ``true`` .. _jme-fns-vector-and-matrix-arithmetic: Vector and matrix arithmetic ---------------------------- .. jme:function:: vector(a1,a2,...,aN) :keywords: column :noexamples: Create a vector with given components. Alternately, you can create a vector from a single list of numbers. **Definitions**: * multiple :data:`number` → :data:`vector` * :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`vector` **Examples**: * ``vector(1,2,3)`` * ``vector([1,2,3])`` .. jme:function:: matrix(row1,row2,...,rowN) :keywords: array :noexamples: Create a matrix with given rows, which should be either vectors or lists of numbers. Or, you can pass in a single list of lists of numbers. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` of :data:`vector` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`list` of :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` - a matrix with one row. * multiple :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` **Examples**: * ``matrix([1,2],[3,4])`` * ``matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])`` .. jme:function:: id(n) :keywords: identity, matrix Identity matrix with :math:`n` rows and columns. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``id(3)`` → ``matrix([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1])`` .. jme:function:: numrows(matrix) :keywords: number, rows, count, matrix The number of rows in the given matrix **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``numrows(matrix([1,2],[3,4],[5,6]))`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: numcolumns(matrix) :keywords: number, columns, count, matrix The number of columns in the given matrix **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``numcolumns(matrix([1,2],[3,4],[5,6]))`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: rowvector(a1,a2,...,aN) :keywords: vector, transpose, matrix Create a row vector (:math:`1 \times n` matrix) with the given components. Alternately, you can create a row vector from a single list of numbers. **Definitions**: * multiple :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`matrix` **Examples**: * ``rowvector(1,2)`` → ``matrix([1,2])`` * ``rowvector([1,2])`` → ``matrix([1,2])`` .. jme:function:: dot(x,y) :keywords: scalar, product, inner, vectors Dot (scalar) product. Inputs can be vectors or column matrices. **Definitions**: * :data:`vector`, :data:`vector` → :data:`number` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`vector` → :data:`number` * :data:`vector`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`number` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``dot(vector(1,2,3),vector(4,5,6))`` → ``32`` * ``dot(matrix([1],[2]), matrix([3],[4]))`` → ``11`` .. jme:function:: cross(x,y) :keywords: product, matrix, vectors Cross product. Inputs can be vectors or column matrices. **Definitions**: * :data:`vector`, :data:`vector` → :data:`vector` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`vector` → :data:`vector` * :data:`vector`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`vector` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`vector` **Examples**: * ``cross(vector(1,2,3),vector(4,5,6))`` → ``vector(-3,6,-3)`` * ``cross(matrix([1],[2],[3]), matrix([4],[5],[6]))`` → ``vector(-3,6,-3)`` .. jme:function:: angle(a,b) :keywords: between, vectors Angle between vectors ``a`` and ``b``, in radians. Returns ``0`` if either ``a`` or ``b`` has length 0. **Definitions**: * :data:`vector`, :data:`vector` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``angle(vector(1,0),vector(0,1))`` → ``1.5707963268`` .. jme:function:: is_zero(x) :keywords: test, zero, vector Returns ``true`` if every component of the vector ``x`` is zero. **Definitions**: * :data:`vector` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``is_zero(vector(0,0,0))`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: is_scalar_multiple(u,v,[rel_tol],[abs_tol]) :keywords: test, scalar, multiple, vector Returns ``true`` if ``u`` is a scalar multiple of ``v``. That is, if ``u = k*v`` for some real number ``k``. The optional arguments ``rel_tol`` and ``abs_tol`` specify the relative and absolute tolerance of the equality check for each component; see :jme:func:`isclose`. **Definitions**: * :data:`vector`, :data:`vector`, :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``is_scalar_multiple(vector(1,2,3), vector(2,4,6))`` → ``true`` * ``is_scalar_multiple(vector(1,2,3), vector(3,4,5))`` → ``false`` * ``is_scalar_multiple(vector(1.01,2.01,3.01), vector(2,4,6), 0.1, 0.1)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: det(x) :keywords: determinant, matrix, modulus Determinant of a matrix. Throws an error if used on anything larger than a 3×3 matrix. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``det(matrix([1,2],[3,4]))`` → ``-2`` * ``det(matrix([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]))`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: transpose(x) :keywords: turn, matrix Matrix transpose. **Definitions**: * :data:`vector` → :data:`matrix` - returns a single-row matrix. * :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` * :data:`list of list` → :data:`list of list` **Examples**: * ``transpose(matrix([1,2],[3,4]))`` → ``matrix([1,3],[2,4])`` * ``transpose(vector(1,2,3))`` → ``matrix([1,2,3])`` * ``transpose([[1,2], [3,4]])`` → ``[[1,3], [2,4]]`` .. jme:function:: sum_cells(m) :keywords: cells, add, total Calculate the sum of all the cells in a matrix. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``sum_cells(matrix([1,2],[3,4]))`` → ``10`` .. jme:function:: augment(m1,m2) combine_horizontally(m1,m2) :keywords: augmented, combine, horizontally, matrices, matrix Combine two matrices horizontally: given a :math:`r_1 \times c_1` matrix ``m1`` and a :math:`r_2 \times c_2` matrix ``m2``, returns a new :math:`\max(r_1,r_2) \times (c_1+c_2)` matrix formed by putting the two matrices side, and padding with zeros where necessary. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``augment(id(2), matrix([3],[4],[5]))`` → ``matrix([1,0,3],[0,1,4],[0,0,5])`` .. jme:function:: stack(m1,m2) combine_vertically(m1,m2) :keywords: stacked, combine, vertically, matrices, matrix Combine two matrices vertically: given a :math:`r_1 \times c_1` matrix ``m1`` and a :math:`r_2 \times c_2` matrix ``m2``, returns a new :math:`(r_1 + r_2) \times \max(c_1,c_2)` matrix formed by putting ``m1`` above ``m2``, and padding with zeros where necessary. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``stack(id(3), matrix([3,4]))`` → ``matrix([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1],[3,4,0])`` .. jme:function:: combine_diagonally(m1,m2) :keywords: stacked, combine, vertically, matrices, matrix Combine two matrices diagonally: given a :math:`r_1 \times c_1` matrix ``m1`` and a :math:`r_2 \times c_2` matrix ``m2``, returns a new :math:`(r_1 + r_2) \times (c_1 + c_2)` matrix whose top-left quadrant is ``m1`` and bottom-right quadrant is ``m2``. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix`, :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``combine_diagonally(id(3), matrix([3,4],[5,6]))`` → ``matrix([1,0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,3,4],[0,0,0,5,6])`` .. jme:function:: lu_decomposition(m) :keywords: matrices, matrix, decomposition, decompose, upper, lower, triangular Perform LU-decomposition: decompose the given matrix into a lower-triangular matrix :math:`L` and an upper-triangular matrix :math:`U`, such that :math:`m = LU`. The matrix must be square. Returns a list ``[L, U]``. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``lu_decomposition(matrix([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,10]))`` → ``[ matrix([1,0,0],[4,-3,0],[7,-6,1]), matrix([1,2,3],[0,1,2],[0,0,1]) ]`` .. jme:function:: gauss_jordan_elimination(m) :keywords: matrices, matrix, gaussian, gauss, jordan, elimination, row, reduction, reduced, echelon, form Perform Gaussian elimination: given a :math:`m \times n` matrix, where :math:`n \geq m`, reduce the rows so that the leading coefficient in each row is :math:`1`, and every column containing a leading coefficient has zeros in every other row. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``gauss_jordan_elimination(matrix([1,2,3,5],[5,6,9,11],[6,9,12,15]))`` → ``matrix([1,0,0,-2],[0,1,0,-1],[0,0,1,3])`` .. jme:function:: inverse(m) :keywords: invert, matrix, matrices Find the inverse of the given square matrix. If the matrix is not invertible, an error will be thrown. **Definitions**: * :data:`matrix` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``inverse(matrix([1,2,3],[5,6,9],[4,8,14]))`` → ``matrix([-1.5,0.5,0],[4.25,-0.25,-0.75],[-2,0,0.5])`` .. _jme-fns-strings: Strings ------------------ .. jme:function:: x[n] :keywords: index, access, list :op: listval Get the Nth character of the string ``x``. Indices start at 0. **Example**: * ``"hello"[1]`` → ``"e"`` .. jme:function:: x[a..b] :keywords: slice, list :op: listval Slice the string ``x`` - get the substring between the given indices. Note that indices start at 0, and the final index is not included. **Example**: * ``"hello"[1..4]`` → ``"ell"`` .. jme:function:: substring in string :keywords: test, contains, string :op: in Test if ``substring`` occurs anywhere in ``string``. This is case-sensitive. **Example**: * ``"plain" in "explains"`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: string(x) :keywords: convert, string, write Convert ``x`` to a string. When converting a :data:`expression` value to a string, you can give a list of :ref:`display options ` as a second argument, either as a comma-separated string or a list of strings. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`string` - rendered using the ``plain-en`` :ref:`notation style `. * :data:`integer` → :data:`string` * :data:`rational` → :data:`string` * :data:`decimal` → :data:`string` * :data:`name` → :data:`string` * :data:`expression` → :data:`string` * :data:`expression`, :data:`string` or :data:`list of string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``string(123)`` → ``"123"`` * ``string(x)`` → ``"x"`` * ``string(expression("0.5"))`` → ``"0.5"`` * ``string(expression("0.5"),"fractionNumbers")`` → ``"1/2"`` .. jme:function:: jme_string(x) :keywords: convert, string, write Convert any jme type ``x`` to a string representation. **Definitions**: * :data:`anything` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``jme_string(123)`` → ``"123"`` * ``jme_string(expression("x+y"))`` → ``"x + y"`` * ``jme_string(vector(1,2,3))`` → ``"vector(1,2,3)"`` .. jme:function:: latex(x) :keywords: convert, string, latex Mark string ``x`` as containing raw LaTeX, so when it's included in a mathmode environment it doesn't get wrapped in a ``\textrm`` environment. If ``x`` is a :data:`expression` value, it's rendered to LaTeX. Note that backslashes must be double up, because the backslash is an escape character in JME strings. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` * :data:`expression` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``latex('\\frac{1}{2}')``. * ``latex(expression("x^2 + 3/4"))`` → ``"x^{2} + \\frac{3}{4}"`` .. jme:function:: safe(x) :keywords: raw, string :noexamples: Mark string ``x`` as safe: don't substitute variable values into it when this expression is evaluated. Use this function to preserve curly braces in string literals. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``safe('From { to }')`` .. jme:function:: render(x, values) :keywords: template, substitute, string Substitute variable values into the string ``x``, even if it's marked as safe (see :jme:func:`safe`). The optional dictionary ``values`` overrides any previously-defined values of variables. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, optional :data:`dict` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``render(safe("I have {num_apples} apples."), ["num_apples": 5])`` → ``"I have 5 apples."`` * ``render(safe("Let $x = \\var{x}$"), ["x": 2])`` → ``"Let $x = {2}$"`` .. note:: The variable dependency checker can't establish which variables will be used in the string until ``render`` is evaluated, so you may encounter errors if using ``render`` in the definition of a question variable. You can ensure a variable has been evaluated by including it in the ``values`` argument, e.g.:: render("a is {}",["a": a]) This function is intended for use primarily in content areas. .. jme:function:: capitalise(x) :keywords: upper, case Capitalise the first letter of a string. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``capitalise('hello there')`` → ``"Hello there"`` .. jme:function:: pluralise(n,singular,plural) :keywords: singular, plural Return ``singular`` if ``n`` is 1, otherwise return ``plural``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``pluralise(0,"thing","things")`` → ``"things"`` * ``pluralise(1,"thing","things")`` → ``"thing"`` * ``pluralise(2,"thing","things")`` → ``"things"`` .. jme:function:: upper(x) :keywords: upper, case, capitalise, convert Convert string to upper-case. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``upper('Hello there')`` → ``"HELLO THERE"`` .. jme:function:: lower(x) :keywords: case, convert Convert string to lower-case. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``lower('CLAUS, Santa')`` → ``"claus, santa"`` .. jme:function:: join(strings, delimiter) :keywords: implode, delimiter, concatenate Join a list of strings with the given delimiter. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``join(['a','b','c'],',')`` → ``"a,b,c"`` .. jme:function:: split(string,delimiter) :keywords: explode, delimiter Split a string at every occurrence of ``delimiter``, returning a list of the the remaining pieces. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``split("a,b,c,d",",")`` → ``["a","b","c","d"]`` .. jme:function:: match_regex(pattern,str,flags) :keywords: regular, expression, regexp, test, match If ``str`` matches the regular expression ``pattern``, returns a list of matched groups, otherwise returns an empty list. This function uses `JavaScript regular expression syntax `_. ``flags`` is an optional string listing the options flags to use. If it's not given, the default value of ``"u"`` is used. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`list` * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``match_regex("\\d+","01234")`` → ``["01234"]`` * ``match_regex("a(b+)","abbbb")`` → ``["abbbb","bbbb"]`` * ``match_regex("a(b+)","ABBBB")`` → ``[]`` * ``match_regex("a(b+)","ABBBB","i")`` → ``["ABBBB","BBBB"]`` .. jme:function:: split_regex(string,pattern,flags) :keywords: explode, regular, expression, regexp Split a string at every occurrence of a substring matching the given regular expression pattern, returning a list of the the remaining pieces. ``flags`` is an optional string listing the options flags to use. If it's not given, the default value of ``"u"`` is used. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`list` * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``split_regex("a, b,c, d ",", *")`` → ``["a","b","c","d"]`` * ``split_regex("this and that AND THIS"," and ","i")`` → ``["this","that","THIS"]`` .. jme:function:: replace_regex(pattern,replacement,string,flags) :keywords: substitute, regular, expression, regexp Replace a substring of ``string`` matching the given regular expression ``pattern`` with the string ``replacement``. ``flags`` is an optional string listing the options flags to use. If it's not given, the default value of ``"u"`` is used. Remember that backslashes must be doubled up inside JME strings, and curly braces are normally used to substitute in variables. You can use the :func:`safe` function to avoid this behaviour. To replace all occurrences of the pattern, add the flag ``"g"``. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`string`→ :data:`string` **Example**: * ``replace_regex("day","DAY","Monday Tuesday Wednesday")`` → ``"MonDAY Tuesday Wednesday"`` * ``replace_regex("day","DAY","Monday Tuesday Wednesday","g")`` → ``"MonDAY TuesDAY WednesDAY"`` * ``replace_regex("a","o","Aardvark")`` → ``"Aordvark"`` * ``replace_regex("a","o","Aardvark","i")`` → ``"oardvark"`` * ``replace_regex("a","o","Aardvark","ig")`` → ``"oordvork"`` * ``replace_regex(safe("(\\d+)x(\\d+)"),"$1 by $2","32x24")`` → ``"32 by 24"`` * ``replace_regex(safe("a{2}"),"c","a aa aaa")`` → ``"a c aaa"`` .. jme:function:: trim(str) :keywords: whitespace, remove, strip Remove whitespace from the start and end of ``str``. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``trim(" a string ")`` → ``"a string"`` .. jme:function:: currency(n,prefix,suffix) :keywords: money, symbol, pence, pounds, dollars, cents Write a currency amount, with the given prefix or suffix characters. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``currency(123.321,"£","")`` → ``"£123.32"`` .. jme:function:: separateThousands(n,separator) :keywords: commas, thousands, string Write a number, with the given separator character between every 3 digits To write a number using notation appropriate to a particular culture or context, see :jme:func:`formatnumber`. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``separateThousands(1234567.1234,",")`` → ``"1,234,567.1234"`` .. jme:function:: unpercent(str) :keywords: percentage, convert, string Get rid of the ``%`` on the end of a percentage and parse as a number, then divide by 100. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``unpercent("2%")`` → ``0.02`` .. jme:function:: lpad(str, n, prefix) :keywords: pad, left Add copies of ``prefix`` to the start of ``str`` until the result is at least ``n`` characters long. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`number`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``lpad("3", 2, "0")`` → ``"03"`` .. jme:function:: rpad(str, n, suffix) :keywords: pad, right Add copies of ``suffix`` to the end of ``str`` until the result is at least ``n`` characters long. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`number`, :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``rpad("3", 2, "0")`` → ``"30"`` .. jme:function:: formatstring(str, values) :keywords: substitute, string, template For each occurrence of ``%s`` in ``str``, replace it with the corresponding entry in the list ``values``. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`list` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``formatstring("Their name is %s",["Hortense"])`` → ``"Their name is Hortense"`` * ``formatstring("You should %s the %s",["simplify","denominator"])`` → ``"You should simplify the denominator"`` .. jme:function:: letterordinal(n) :keywords: ordinal, nth, alphabetic, lexicographic Get the :math:`n`:sup:`th` element of the sequence ``a, b, c, ..., aa, ab, ...``. Note that the numbering starts from 0. **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`string` **Examples**: * ``letterordinal(0)`` → ``"a"`` * ``letterordinal(1)`` → ``"b"`` * ``letterordinal(26)`` → ``"aa"`` .. jme:function:: translate(str, arguments) :keywords: localisation, localization, internationalisation, internationalization, i18n Translate the given string, if it's in the localisation file. Look at `the default localisation file `_ for strings which can be translated. This function takes a key representing a string to be translated, and returns the corresponding value from the current localisation file. ``arguments`` is a dictionary of named substitutions to make in the string. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` * :data:`string`, :data:`dict` → :data:`string` **Examples**: * ``translate("question.header",["number": 2])`` → ``"Question 2"`` (when the ``en-GB`` locale is in use) * ``translate("question.header",["number": 2])`` :no-test:`→` ``"Pregunta 2"`` (when the ``es-ES`` locale is in use) .. jme:function:: isbool(str) :keywords: test, boolean, true, truthy, false, yes, no After converting to lower case, is ``str`` any of the strings ``"true"``, ``"false"``, ``"yes"`` or ``"no"``? **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``isbool("true")`` → ``true`` * ``isbool("YES")`` → ``true`` * ``isbool("no")`` → ``true`` * ``isbool("y")`` → ``false`` .. _jme-fns-logic: Logic ----- .. jme:function:: xy :keywords: greater, than, more, comparison, order, compare, bigger, larger :op: > Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is greater than ``y``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``5 > 4`` → ``true`` * ``-5 > -4`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: x<=y :keywords: less, than, equals, smaller, comparison, order :op: <= Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is less than or equal to ``y``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``3 <= 4`` → ``true`` * ``4 <= 4`` → ``true`` * ``5 <= 4`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: x>=y :keywords: greater, than, more, comparison, order, compare, bigger, larger, equals :op: >= Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is greater than or equal to ``y``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`decimal` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`decimal`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``3 >= 4`` → ``false`` * ``4 >= 4`` → ``true`` * ``5 >= 4`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: x<>y :keywords: not, equal, inequality, same :op: <> Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is not equal to ``y``. Returns ``true`` if ``x`` and ``y`` are not of the same data type. **Definitions**: * anything, anything → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``'this string' <> 'that string'`` → ``true`` * ``1<>2`` → ``true`` * ``'1' <> 1`` → ``true`` * ``1 <> 1`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: x=y :keywords: equal, same, equality :op: = Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is equal to ``y``. Returns ``false`` if ``x`` and ``y`` are not of the same data type. **Definitions**: * anything, anything → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``vector(1,2) = vector(1,2,0)`` → ``true`` * ``4.0 = 4`` → ``true`` * ``1/3 = 0.3`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: isclose(x,y,[rel_tol],[abs_tol]) :keywords: close, approximation, test, tolerance, relative, absolute, equals, same Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is close to ``y``. The arguments ``rel_tol`` and ``abs_tol`` are optional, with default values of :math:`10^{-15}`. Equivalent to the following expression:: abs(x-y) <= max( rel_tol*max(abs(a),abs(b)), abs_tol ) **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number`, :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``isclose(1/3, 0.3)`` → ``false`` * ``isclose(1/3, 0.3, 0.01)`` → ``false`` * ``isclose(1/3, 0.3, 0.1)`` → ``true`` * ``isclose(1/3, 0.3, 0.01, 0.1)`` → ``true`` * ``isclose(10/3, 3, 0.01, 0.1)`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: resultsequal(a,b,checkingFunction,accuracy) :keywords: same, equal, test, tolerance, expression Returns ``true`` if ``a`` and ``b`` are both of the same data type, and "close enough" according to the given checking function. Vectors, matrices, and lists are considered equal only if every pair of corresponding elements in ``a`` and ``b`` is "close enough". ``checkingFunction`` is the name of a checking function to use. These are documented in `the Numbas runtime documentation `_. **Definitions**: * anything, anything, :data:`string`, :data:`number` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``resultsequal(22/7,pi,"absdiff",0.001)`` → ``false`` * ``resultsequal(22/7,pi,"reldiff",0.001)`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: x and y x && y x & y :op: and :keywords: logical, and, intersection Logical AND. Returns ``true`` if both ``x`` and ``y`` are true, otherwise returns ``false``. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`set`, :data:`set` → :data:`set` **Examples**: * ``true and true`` → ``true`` * ``true && true`` → ``true`` * ``true & true`` → ``true`` * ``true and false`` → ``false`` * ``false and false`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: not x :keywords: logical, not, negation, negate, negative :op: not Logical NOT. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``not true`` → ``false`` * ``not false`` → ``true`` * ``!true`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: x or y x || y :keywords: logical, or, union :op: or Logical OR. Returns ``true`` when at least one of ``x`` and ``y`` is true. Returns false when both ``x`` and ``y`` are false. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`set`, :data:`set` → :data:`set` - equivalent to ``union(x,y)`` **Examples**: * ``true or false`` → ``true`` * ``false or false`` → ``false`` * ``true || false`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: x xor y :keywords: exclusive, or, logical :op: xor Logical XOR. Returns ``true`` when at either ``x`` or ``y`` is true but not both. Returns ``false`` when ``x`` and ``y`` are the same expression. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``true XOR false`` → ``true`` * ``true XOR true`` → ``false`` * ``false XOR false`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: x implies y :keywords: logical, implication :op: implies Logical implication. If ``x`` is true and ``y`` is false, then the implication is false. Otherwise, the implication is true. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``true implies true`` → ``true`` * ``true implies false`` → ``false`` * ``false implies true`` → ``true`` * ``false implies false`` → ``true`` .. _jme-fns-collections: Collections ----------- .. jme:function:: x[y] :keywords: index, access, element :op: listval Get the ``y``:sup:`th` element of the collection ``x``. For matrices, the ``y``:sup:`th` row is returned. For dictionaries, the value corresponding to the key ``y`` is returned. If the key is not present in the dictionary, an error will be thrown. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict`, :data:`string` → unspecified * :data:`string`, :data:`number` → :data:`string` * :data:`list`, :data:`number` → unspecified * :data:`vector`, :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`number` → :data:`vector` **Examples**: * ``[0,1,2,3][1]`` → ``1`` * ``vector(0,1,2)[2]`` → ``2`` * ``matrix([0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8])[0]`` → ``vector(0,1,2)`` * ``["a": 1, "b": 2]["a"]`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: x[a..b] x[a..b#c] :op: listval :keywords: slice, access, range, subset Slice the collection ``x`` - return elements with indices in the given range. Note that list indices start at 0, and the final index is not included. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`range` → :data:`string` * :data:`list`, :data:`range` → :data:`list` * :data:`vector`, :data:`range` → :data:`vector` * :data:`matrix`, :data:`range` → :data:`matrix` **Example**: * ``[0,1,2,3,4,5][1..3]`` → ``[1,2]`` * ``[0,1,2,3,4,5][1..6#2]`` → ``[1,3,5]`` .. jme:function:: x in collection :keywords: test, contains, element, inside :op: in Is element ``x`` in ``collection``? **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`range` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`string`, :data:`dict` → :data:`boolean` - returns ``true`` if the dictionary has a key ``x`` * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`boolean` * anything, :data:`list` → :data:`boolean` * anything, :data:`set` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``3 in [1,2,3,4]`` → ``true`` * ``3 in (set(1,2,3,4) and set(2,4,6,8))`` → ``false`` * ``"a" in ["a": 1]`` → ``true`` * ``1 in ["a": 1]`` throws an error because dictionary keys must be strings. .. _jme-fns-ranges: Ranges ------ .. jme:function:: a .. b :keywords: range, interval :op: .. :noexamples: Define a range. Includes all integers between and including ``a`` and ``b``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`range` **Examples**: * ``1..5`` * ``-6..6`` .. jme:function:: range # step :keywords: step, interval :op: # :noexamples: Set the step size for a range. Default is 1. When ``step`` is 0, the range includes all real numbers between the limits. **Definitions**: * :data:`range`, :data:`number` → :data:`range` **Examples**: * ``0..1 # 0.1`` * ``2..10 # 2`` * ``0..1#0`` .. jme:function:: a except b :keywords: exclude, without :op: except Exclude a number, range, or list of items from a list or range. **Definitions**: * :data:`range`, :data:`range` → :data:`list` * :data:`range`, :data:`list` → :data:`list` - exclude the given list of numbers * :data:`range`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` - exclude the given number * :data:`list`, :data:`range` → :data:`list` - exclude all numbers in the given range * :data:`list`, :data:`list` → :data:`list` * :data:`list`, anything → :data:`list` - exclude the given element **Examples**: * ``-2..2 except 0`` → ``[-2,-1,1,2]`` * ``-9..9 except [-1,1]`` * ``3..8 except 4..6`` * ``[1,2,3,4,5] except [2,3]`` .. _jme-fns-lists: Lists ----- .. jme:function:: repeat(expression,n) :keywords: times, multiple Evaluate ``expression`` ``n`` times, and return the results in a list. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``repeat(0,3)`` → ``[0,0,0]`` * ``repeat(random(1..4),5)`` :no-test:`→` ``[2, 4, 1, 3, 4]`` (other values can be produced) .. jme:function:: all(list) :keywords: every, test Returns ``true`` if every element of ``list`` is ``true``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` of :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``all([true,true])`` → ``true`` * ``all([true,false])`` → ``false`` * ``all([])`` → ``true`` .. jme:function:: some(list) :keywords: any, exists, test Returns ``true`` if at least one element of ``list`` is ``true``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` of :data:`boolean` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``some([false,true,false])`` → ``true`` * ``some([false,false,false])`` → ``false`` * ``some([])`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: map(expression,name[s],d) :keywords: transform, functional, loop, map Evaluate ``expression`` for each item in list, range, vector or matrix ``d``, replacing variable ``name`` with the element from ``d`` each time. You can also give a list of names if each element of ``d`` is a list of values. The Nth element of the list will be mapped to the Nth name. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`name` or :data:`list of name`, anything → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``map(x+1,x,1..3)`` → ``[2,3,4]`` * ``map(capitalise(s),s,["jim","bob"])`` → ``["Jim","Bob"]`` * ``map(sqrt(x^2+y^2),[x,y],[ [3,4], [5,12] ])`` → ``[5,13]`` * ``map(x+1,x,id(2))`` → ``matrix([2,1],[1,2])`` * ``map(sqrt(x),x,vector(1,4,9))`` → ``vector(1,2,3)`` .. jme:function:: expression for: name of: list where: condition :keywords: transform, map, generator, comprehension :op: for: This is similar to :jme:func:`map` and :jme:func:`filter`, with different syntax. Evaluate ``expression`` for each item in ``list``, replacing variable ``name`` with the element from ``list`` each time. You can also give a list of names if each element of ``d`` is a list of values. The Nth element of the list will be mapped to the Nth name. You can chain several ``for: ... of: ...`` statements together to work over the Cartesian product of the given lists. Variables assigned by earlier ``for:`` statements are available in later ``for:`` statements in the chain. Note that with bracketing you can change the shape of the resulting list. Each ``for: ... of: ...`` statement can be followed by an optional ``where: condition`` statement, restricting the values to be iterated over. Only values which satisfy the condition will be used. **Examples**: * ``x^2 for: x of: 1..5`` → ``[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]`` (square the numbers 1 to 5) * ``x for: x of: 1..10 where: mod(x,3)=0`` → ``[3, 6, 9]`` (find multiples of 3 between 1 and 10) * ``log(x,b) for: [x,b] of: [[100,10], [16,2]]`` → ``[2, 4]`` (given pairs of numbers and bases, take the logarithm of each number with the corresponding base) * ``[a,b] for: [a,b] of: zip(1..3, 4..6)`` → ``[ [1,4], [2,5], [3,6] ]`` (pair the numbers from the range ``1..3`` and numbers from the range ``4..6``) * ``[a,b] for: a of: 1..3 for: b of: 4..6`` → ``[ [1,4], [1,5], [1,6], [2,4], [2,5], [2,6], [3,4], [3,5], [3,6] ]`` (produce all possible pairs of numbers from the ranges ``1..3`` and ``4.6``) * ``mod(a,b) for: a of: 1..5 for: b of: [2,3]`` → ``[1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]`` * ``(mod(a,b) for: a of: 1..5) for: b of: [2,3]`` → ``[ [1,0,1,0,1], [1,2,0,1,2] ]`` * ``(mod(a,b) for: b of: [2,3]) for: a of: 1..5`` → ``[ [1,1], [0,2], [1,0], [0,1], [1,2] ]`` * ``[x,y] for: x of: 1..3 for: y of: 1..x`` → ``[ [1,1], [2,1] ,[2,2], [3,1], [3,2], [3,3] ]`` * ``[x,y] for: x of: 2..7 for: y of: (x+1)..7 where: gcd(x,y)=1`` → ``[ [2,3], [2,5], [2,7], [3,4], [3,5], [3,7], [4,5], [4,7], [5,6], [5,7], [6,7] ]`` (find coprime pairs of numbers between 2 and 7) * ``[a,b,c] for: a of: 1..20 for: b of: 1..20 for: c of: 1..20 where: a5,x,[1,3,5,7,9])`` → ``[7,9]`` .. jme:function:: foldl(expression,accumulator_name, item_name, first_value, d) :keywords: accumulate, fold, functional, iterate, loop Accumulate a value by iterating over a collection. This can be used as an abstraction of routines such as "sum of a list of numbers", or "maximum value in a list". Evaluate ``expression`` for each item in the list, range, vector or matrix ``d``, accumulating a single value which is returned. At each iteration, the variable ``item_name`` is replaced with the corresponding value from ``d``. The variable ``accumulator_name`` is replaced with ``first_value`` for the first iteration, and the result of ``expression`` from the previous iteration subsequently. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`name`, :data:`name`, anything, anything → unspecified **Examples**: * ``foldl(total + x, total, x, 0, [1,2,3])`` → ``6`` * ``foldl(if(len(x)>len(longest),x,longest), longest, x, "", ["banana","pineapple","plum"])`` → ``"pineapple"`` .. jme:function:: iterate(expression,name,initial,times) :keywords: repeat, accumulate, loop Iterate an expression on the given initial value the given number of times, returning a list containing the values produced at each step. You can also give a list of names. The Nth element of the value will be mapped to the Nth name. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`name` or :data:`list of name`, anything, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``iterate(x+1, x, 0, 3)`` → ``[0,1,2,3]`` * ``iterate([b,a+b], [a,b], [1,1], 3)`` → ``[ [1,1], [1,2], [2,3], [3,5] ]`` * ``iterate(l[1..len(l)]+[l[0]], l, ["a","b","c"], 3)`` → ``[ ["a","b","c"], ["b","c","a"], ["c","a","b"], ["a","b","c"] ]`` .. jme:function:: iterate_until(expression,name,initial,condition,max_iterations) :keywords: repeat, accumulate, loop, until, condition, satisfy Iterate an expression on the given initial value until the condition is satisfied, returning a list containing the values produced at each step. You can also give a list of names. The Nth element of the value will be mapped to the Nth name. ``max_iterations`` is an optional parameter specifying the maximum number of iterations that may be performed. If not given, the default value of 100 is used. This parameter prevents the function from running indefinitely, when the condition is never met. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`name` or :data:`list of name`, anything, :data:`boolean`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``iterate_until(if(mod(x,2)=0,x/2,3x+1), x, 5, x=1)`` → ``[ 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 ]`` * ``iterate_until([b,mod(a,b)], [a,b], [37,32], b=0)`` → ``[ [ 37, 32 ], [ 32, 5 ], [ 5, 2 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ]`` .. jme:function:: take(n,expression,name,d) :keywords: first, loop, filter, restrict, elements, only Take the first ``n`` elements from list or range ``d``, replacing variable ``name`` with the element from ``d`` each time, returning only the elements for which ``expression`` evaluates to ``true``. This operation is lazy - once ``n`` elements satisfying the expression have been found, execution stops. You can use this to filter a few elements from a large list, where the condition might take a long time to calculate. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, anything, :data:`name`, anything → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``take(3,gcd(x,6)=1,x,10..30)`` → ``[11,13,17]`` .. jme:function:: flatten(lists) :keywords: concatenate, join, lists "Flatten" a list of lists, returning a single list containing the concatenation of all the entries in ``lists``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list of list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``flatten([ [1,2], [3,4] ])`` → ``[1,2,3,4]`` .. jme:function:: let(name,definition,...,expression) let(definitions, expression) :keywords: assign, variable Evaluate ``expression``, temporarily defining variables with the given names. Use this to cut down on repetition. You can define any number of variables - in the first calling pattern, follow a variable name with its definition. Or you can give a dictionary mapping variable names to their values. The last argument is the expression to be evaluated. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict`, anything or multiple :data:`name`, anything or :data:`list` of :data:`name`, :data:`list` of anything, anything → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``let([a,b,c],[1,5,6],d,sqrt(b^2-4*a*c), [(-b+d)/2, (-b-d)/2])`` → ``[-2,-3]`` (when ``[a,b,c]`` = ``[1,5,6]``) * ``let(x,1, y,2, x+y)`` → ``3`` * ``let(["x": 1, "y": 2], x+y)`` → ``3`` .. _pipe: .. jme:function:: |> :keywords: pipe, compose, function, sequence ``a |> f()`` is equivalent to ``f(a)``. This operator can be chained: ``a |> f() |> g()`` is equivalent to ``g(f(a))``. The "pipe" operator can be used to apply a sequence of transformations to a value. The left-hand value ``a`` is inserted as the first argument of the right-hand function ``f``. If ``f`` takes more than one argument, you must give the others on the right-hand side. **Definitions**: * anything, anything → anything **Examples**: * ``2 |> sqrt() |> siground(2)`` → ``1.4`` * ``["happy", "birthday"] |> join(" ") |> upper()`` → ``"HAPPY BIRTHDAY"`` .. jme:function:: sort(x) :keywords: order, arrange Sort list ``x``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``sort([4,2,1,3])`` → ``[1,2,3,4]`` .. jme:function:: sort_destinations(x) :keywords: sort, order, arrange, indices, indexes Return a list giving the index that each entry in the list will occupy after sorting. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``sort_destinations([4,2,1,3])`` → ``[3,1,0,2]`` * ``sort_destinations([1,2,3,4])`` → ``[0,1,2,3]`` .. jme:function:: sort_by(key,list) :keywords: sory, order, arrange, key Sort the given list of either :data:`list` or :data:`dict` values by their entries corresponding to the given key. When sorting a list of lists, the key is a number representing the index of each list to look at. When sorting a list of dictionaries, the key is a string. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`list` of :data:`list` → :data:`list` * :data:`string`, :data:`list` of :data:`dict` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``sort_by(0, [[5,0], [3,2], [4,4]])`` → ``[[3,2], [4,4], [5,0]]`` * ``sort_by("width", [["label": "M", "width": 20], ["label": "L", "width": 30], ["label": "S", "width": 10]])`` → ``[["label": "S", "width": 10], ["label": "M", "width": 20], ["label": "L", "width": 30]]`` .. jme:function:: group_by(key,list) :keywords: gather, collect, key, lists Group the entries in the given list of either :data:`list` or :data:`dict` values by their entries corresponding to the given key. The returned value is a list of lists of the form ``[key, group]``, where ``key`` is the value all elements of the list ``group`` have in common. When grouping a list of lists, the ``key`` argument is a number representing the index of each list to look at. When grouping a list of dictionaries, the ``key`` argument is a string. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`list` of :data:`list` → :data:`list` * :data:`string`, :data:`list` of :data:`dict` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``group_by(0, [[0,0], [3,2], [0,4]])`` → ``[[0, [[0,0], [0,4]]], [3, [[3,2]]]]`` * ``group_by("a", [["a": 1, "b": "M"], ["a": 2, "b": "S"], ["a": 1, "b": "XL"]])`` → ``[[1,[["a": 1, "b": "M"], ["a": 1, "b": "XL"]]], [2, [["a": 2, "b": "S"]]]]`` .. jme:function:: reverse(x) :keywords: backwards Reverse list ``x``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``reverse([1,2,3])`` → ``[3,2,1]`` .. jme:function:: indices(list,value) :keywords: find, indexes, search Find the indices at which ``value`` occurs in ``list``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, anything → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``indices([1,0,1,0],1)`` → ``[0,2]`` * ``indices([2,4,6],4)`` → ``[1]`` * ``indices([1,2,3],5)`` → ``[]`` .. jme:function:: distinct(x) :keywords: unique, different Return a copy of the list ``x`` with duplicates removed. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``distinct([1,2,3,1,4,3])`` → ``[1,2,3,4]`` .. jme:function:: list(x) :keywords: convert, components, elements Convert a value to a list of its components (or rows, for a matrix). **Definitions**: * :data:`range` → :data:`list` * :data:`set` → :data:`list` * :data:`vector` → :data:`list` - returns a list of :data:`number`. * :data:`matrix` → :data:`list` - returns a list of lists representing the rows. **Examples**: * ``list(set(1,2,3))`` → ``[1,2,3]`` (note that you can't depend on the elements of sets being in any order) * ``list(vector(1,2))`` → ``[1,2]`` * ``list(matrix([1,2],[3,4]))`` → ``[[1,2], [3,4]]`` .. jme:function:: make_variables(definitions, vRange) :keywords: evaluate, variables, assign Evaluate a dictionary of variable definitions and return a dictionary containing the generated values. ``definitions`` is a dictionary mapping variable names to :data:`expression` values corresponding to definitions. The definitions can refer to other variables to be evaluated, or variables already defined in the current scope. Variables named in the dictionary which have already been defined will be removed before evaluation begins. If the optional parameter ``vRange`` is given, then a variable ``vRange`` is defined in the given scope with that value. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict` of :data:`expression`, :data:`range` → :data:`dict` **Example**: * ``make_variables(["a": expression("3"), "b": expression("a^2")])`` → ``["a": 3, "b": 9]`` * ``make_variables(["a": expression("random(1..5)"), "b": expression("a^2")])`` :no-test:`→` ``["a": 3, "b": 9]`` (other values can be produced) .. jme:function:: satisfy(names,definitions,conditions,maxRuns) :keywords: test, satisfies, conditions :noexamples: Each variable name in ``names`` should have a corresponding definition expression in ``definitions``. ``conditions`` is a list of expressions which you want to evaluate to ``true``. The definitions will be evaluated repeatedly until all the conditions are satisfied, or the number of attempts is greater than ``maxRuns``. If ``maxRuns`` isn't given, it defaults to 100 attempts. .. note:: This function is deprecated, and retained only for backwards compatibility. Use :jme:func:`make_variables` instead. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`list`, :data:`list`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``satisfy([a,b,c],[random(1..10),random(1..10),random(1..10)],[b^2-4*a*c>0])`` .. jme:function:: sum(numbers) :keywords: total, accumulate, add Add up a list of numbers **Definitions**: * :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`vector` → :data:`number` - sum of the components **Example**: * ``sum([1,2,3])`` → ``6`` * ``sum(vector(4,5,6))`` → ``15`` .. jme:function:: prod(list) :keywords: product, multiply, accumulate Multiply a list of numbers together **Definitions**: * :data:`list` of :data:`number` → :data:`number` * :data:`vector` → :data:`number` - product of the components **Example**: * ``prod([2,3,4])`` → ``24`` .. jme:function:: product(list1,list2,...,listN) :keywords: cartesian, combinations, power Cartesian product of lists. In other words, every possible combination of choices of one value from each given list. If one list and a number are given, then the ``n``-th Cartesian power of the list is returned: the Cartesian product of ``n`` copies of the list. **Definitions**: * multiple :data:`list` → :data:`list` * :data:`list`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``product([1,2],[a,b])`` → ``[ [1,a], [1,b], [2,a], [2,b] ]`` * ``product([1,2],2)`` → ``[ [1,1], [1,2], [2,1], [2,2] ]`` .. jme:function:: zip(list1,list2,...,listN) :keywords: combine, tuples, pairs Combine two (or more) lists into one - the Nth element of the output is a list containing the Nth elements of each of the input lists. **Definitions**: * multiple :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``zip([1,2,3],[4,5,6])`` → ``[ [1,4], [2,5], [3,6] ]`` .. jme:function:: combinations(collection,r) :keywords: ordered, choices, collection, distinct, unique All ordered choices of ``r`` elements from ``collection``, without replacement. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``combinations([1,2,3],2)`` → ``[ [1,2], [1,3], [2,3] ]`` .. jme:function:: combinations_with_replacement(collection,r) :keywords: ordered, choices, replacement, collection All ordered choices of ``r`` elements from ``collection``, with replacement. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``combinations_with_replacement([1,2,3],2)`` → ``[ [1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [2,2], [2,3], [3,3] ]`` .. jme:function:: permutations(collection,r) :keywords: unordered, choices, collection All choices of ``r`` elements from ``collection``, in any order, without replacement. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``permutations([1,2,3],2)`` → ``[ [1,2], [1,3], [2,1], [2,3], [3,1], [3,2] ]`` .. jme:function:: frequencies(collection) :keywords: count, appearances Count the number of times each distinct element of ``collection`` appears. Returns a list of pairs ``[value, frequency]``, where ``value`` is a value from the list, and ``frequency`` is the number of times it appeared. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``frequencies([1,2,3,2,2,1])`` → ``[ [1,2], [2,3], [3,1] ]`` * ``frequencies(["a","a","c","b","c","a"])`` → ``[ ["a",3], ["c",2], ["b",1] ]`` .. jme:function:: enumerate(collection) :keywords: count Enumerate the elements of ``collection``: this function returns a list containing, for each element ``v`` of ``collection``, a new list of the form ``[i,v]``, where ``i`` is the index of the element in ``collection``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``enumerate(["A","B","C"])`` → ``[ [0,"A"], [1,"B"], [2,"C"] ]`` .. _jme-fns-dictionaries: Dictionaries ------------ .. jme:function:: dict[key] :keywords: access, item, entry :op: listval Get the value corresponding to the given key string in the dictionary ``d``. If the key is not present in the dictionary, an error will be thrown. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict`, :data:`string` → unspecified **Example**: * ``["a": 1, "b": 2]["a"]`` → ``1`` .. jme:function:: get(dict,key,default) :keywords: access, item, entry Get the value corresponding to the given key string in the dictionary. If the key is not present in the dictionary, the ``default`` value will be returned. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict`, :data:`string`, anything → unspecified **Examples**: * ``get(["a":1], "a", 0)`` → ``1`` * ``get(["a":1], "b", 0)`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: dict(a:b, c:d, ...) dict(pairs) :keywords: dictionary, convert, key, value, structure :noexamples: Create a dictionary with the given key-value pairs. Equivalent to ``[ .. ]``, except when no key-value pairs are given: ``[]`` creates an empty *list* instead. You can alternately pass a list of pairs of the form ``[key, value]``, to transform a list into a dictionary. **Definitions**: * multiple :data:`keypair` → :data:`dict` **Examples**: * ``dict()`` * ``dict("a": 1, "b": 2)`` * ``dict([ ["a",1], ["b",2] ])`` .. jme:function:: keys(dict) :keywords: entries, dictionary A list of all of the given dictionary's keys. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``keys(["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 1])`` → ``["a","b","c"]`` .. jme:function:: values(dict,[keys]) :keywords: entires, dictionary A list of the values corresponding to each of the given dictionary's keys. If a list of keys is given, only the values corresponding to those keys are returned, in the same order. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict` → :data:`list` * :data:`dict`, :data:`list` of :data:`string` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``values(["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 1])`` → ``[1,2,1]`` * ``values(["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3], ["b","a"])`` → ``[2,1]`` .. jme:function:: items(dict) :keywords: entries, dictionary A list of all of the ``[key,value]`` pairs in the given dictionary. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``items(["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 1])`` → ``[ ["a",1], ["b",2], ["c",1] ]`` .. _jme-fns-sets: Sets ---- .. jme:function:: set(elements) :keywords: distinct, unique, different :noexamples: Create a set with the given elements. Either pass the elements as individual arguments, or as a list. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`set` * multiple anything → :data:`set` **Examples**: * ``set(1,2,3)`` * ``set([1,2,3])`` .. jme:function:: union(a,b) :keywords: join, either, or, set Union of sets ``a`` and ``b`` **Definitions**: * :data:`set`, :data:`set` → :data:`set` **Examples**: * ``union(set(1,2,3),set(2,4,6))`` → ``set(1,2,3,4,6)`` * ``set(1,2,3) or set(2,4,6)`` → ``set(1,2,3,4,6)`` .. jme:function:: intersection(a,b) :keywords: join, both, and Intersection of sets ``a`` and ``b``, i.e. elements which are in both sets. **Definitions**: * :data:`set`, :data:`set` → :data:`set` **Examples**: * ``intersection(set(1,2,3),set(2,4,6))`` → ``set(2)`` * ``set(1,2,3) and set(2,4,6)`` → ``set(2)`` .. jme:function:: a - b :keywords: difference :op: - Set minus - elements which are in a but not b **Example**: * ``set(1,2,3,4) - set(2,4,6)`` → ``set(1,3)`` .. _jme-fns-randomisation: Randomisation ------------- .. jme:function:: random(x) :keywords: uniform Pick uniformly at random from a range, list, or from the given arguments. **Definitions**: * :data:`range` → :data:`number` * :data:`list` → unspecified * multiple anything → unspecified **Examples**: * ``random(1..5)`` * ``random([1,2,4])`` * ``random(1,2,3)`` .. jme:function:: weighted_random(x) :keywords: random Pick random from a weighted list of items. Each element in the input list is a pair of the form ``[item, probability]``, where ``probability`` is a :data:`number` value. Items with negative weight are ignored. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` of [anything, :data:`number`] → unspecified **Examples**: * ``weighted_random([ ["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 0.5] ])`` .. jme:function:: deal(n) :keywords: shuffle, order, random Get a random shuffling of the integers :math:`[0 \dots n-1]` **Definitions**: * :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``deal(3)`` :no-test:`→` ``[2,0,1]`` (other values can be produced) .. jme:function:: reorder(list,order) :keywords: arrange, permutation, permute, order Reorder a list given a permutation. The ``i``th element of the output is the ``order[i]``th element of ``list``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``reorder([0,1,2,3],[3,2,0,1])`` → ``[3,2,0,1]`` * ``reorder(["a","b","c","d"],[3,2,0,1])`` → ``["d","c","a","b"]`` .. jme:function:: shuffle(x) :keywords: random, rearrange Random shuffling of list or range. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``shuffle(["a","b","c"])`` :no-test:`→` ``["c","b","a"]`` (other values can be produced) * ``shuffle(0..4)`` :no-test:`→` ``[2,3,0,4,1]`` (other values can be produced) .. jme:function:: shuffle_together(lists) :keywords: random, rearrange Shuffle several lists together - each list has the same permutation of its elements applied. The lists must all be the same length, otherwise an error is thrown. **Definitions**: * :data:`list` → :data:`list` **Example**: * ``shuffle_together([ ["a","b","c","d"], [0,1,2,3] ])`` :no-test:`→` ``[ ["d","a","c","b"], [3,0,2,1] ]`` (other values can be produced) .. jme:function:: random_integer_partition(n,k) :keywords: subsets, random, number Produce a randomly-chosen partition of the integer ``n`` into ``k`` non-zero parts. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`number` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``random_integer_partition(6,3)`` :no-test:`→` ``[1, 3, 2]`` (other values can be produced) .. _jme-fns-control-flow: Control flow ------------ .. jme:function:: award(a,b) :keywords: score, test, if, condition Return ``a`` if ``b`` is ``true``, else return ``0``. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`boolean` → :data:`number` **Example**: * ``award(5,true)`` → ``5`` .. jme:function:: if(p,a,b) :keywords: test, condition If ``p`` is ``true``, return ``a``, else return ``b``. Only the returned value is evaluated. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean`, anything, anything → unspecified **Example**: * ``if(false,1,0)`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: switch(p1,a1,p2,a2, ..., pn,an,d) :keywords: cases, select, condition, if, test Select cases. Alternating boolean expressions with values to return, with the final argument representing the default case. Only the returned value is evaluated. **Definitions**: * multiple :data:`boolean`,anything, anything → unspecified **Examples**: * ``switch(true,1,false,0,3)`` → ``1`` * ``switch(false,1,true,0,3)`` → ``0`` * ``switch(false,1,false,0,3)`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: assert(condition, value) :keywords: if, test, condition, only If ``condition`` is ``false``, then return ``value``, otherwise don't evaluate ``value`` and return ``false``. This is intended for use in marking scripts, to apply marking feedback only if a condition is met. **Definitions**: * :data:`boolean`, anything → unspecified **Example**: * ``assert(1 < 2, "oops")`` → ``false`` * ``assert(1 > 2, "oops")`` → ``"oops"`` * ``assert(studentAnswer<=0, correct("Student answer is positive"))`` .. jme:function:: try(expression, name, except) :keywords: catch, error, except Try to evaluate ``expression``. If it is successfully evaluated, return the result. Otherwise, evaluate ``except``, with the error message available as ``name``. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`name`, anything → unspecified **Examples**: * ``try(eval(expression("x+")),err, "Error: "+err)`` → ``"Error: Not enough arguments for operation +"`` * ``try(1+2,err,0)`` → ``3`` .. jme:function:: a |> f() :op: |> :keywords: pipe Insert the left-hand value ``a`` as the first argument of the right-hand function ``f``. Several applications of this operator can be chained together, to make code that applies successive functions to a single value more readable. When the right-hand function has more than one argument, the left-hand value is inserted before the arguments you give, so ``a |> f(b,c)`` is equivalent to ``f(a,b,c)``. **Example**: * ``3 |> sqrt() |> precround(2)`` → ``1.73`` .. _jme-fns-html: HTML ---- .. jme:function:: html(x) :keywords: parse :noexamples: Parse string ``x`` as HTML. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`html` **Example**: * ``html('
')`` .. jme:function:: isnonemptyhtml(str) :keywords: test, empty, text Does ``str`` represent a string of HTML containing text? Returns false for the empty string, or HTML elements with no text content. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``isnonemptyhtml("


")`` → ``true`` * ``isnonemptyhtml("

")`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: table(data) table(data,headers) :keywords: grid, data, html :noexamples: Create an HTML with cell contents defined by ``data``, which should be a list of lists of data, and column headers defined by the list of strings ``headers``. **Definitions**: * :data:`list`, :data:`list` of :data:`list` → :data:`html` * :data:`list` → :data:`html` **Examples**: * ``table([[0,1],[1,0]], ["Column A","Column B"])`` * ``table([[0,1],[1,0]])`` .. jme:function:: image(url,[width],[height]) :keywords: picture, display :noexamples: Create an HTML ``img`` element loading the image from the given URL. Images uploaded through the resources tab are stored in the relative URL ``resources/images/.png``, where ```` is the name of the original file. The optional ``width`` and ``height`` parameters specify the size the image should be displayed at, in em units. If only the width is given, the height will be automatically set to maintain the image's original proportions. 1 em is the width of the letter 'm'. If neither width nor height are given, the image is displayed at its original size. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, optional :data:`number`, optional :data:`number` → :data:`html` **Examples**: * ``image('resources/images/picture.png')`` * ``image(chosenimage)`` * `Question using randomly chosen images `_. .. jme:function:: max_width(width,element) :keywords: width, maximum, size, html :noexamples: Apply a CSS ``max-width`` attribute to the given element. You can use this to ensure that an image is not displayed too wide. The given ``width`` is in ``em`` units. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`html` → :data:`html` **Example**: ``max_width(400,html("


"))`` → ``html("


")`` .. jme:function:: max_height(width,element) :keywords: height, maximum, size, html :noexamples: Apply a CSS ``max-height`` attribute to the given element. You can use this to ensure that an image is not displayed too long. The given ``height`` is in ``em`` units. **Definitions**: * :data:`number`, :data:`html` → :data:`html` **Example**: ``max_height(400,html("


"))`` → ``html("


")`` .. jme:function:: escape_html(text) :keywords: escape, safe Rewrite the given string, replacing characters that might be HTML code with the corresponding HTML entity escape codes, so the resulting string can be safely displayed as plain text. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``escape_html("


")`` → ``"<p>Text</p>"`` .. _jme-fns-json: JSON ---- `JSON `_ is a lightweight data-interchange format. Many public data sets come in JSON format; it's a good way of encoding data in a way that is easy for both humans and computers to read and write. For an example of how you can use JSON data in a Numbas question, see the exam `Working with JSON data `_. .. jme:function:: json_decode(json) :keywords: decode, parse Decode a JSON string into JME data types. JSON is decoded into numbers, strings, booleans, lists, or dictionaries. To produce other data types, such as matrices or vectors, you will have to post-process the resulting data. .. warning:: The JSON value ``null`` is silently converted to an empty string, because JME has no "null" data type. This may change in the future. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → unspecified **Example**: * ``json_decode(safe(' {"a": 1, "b": [2,true,"thing"]} '))`` → ``["a": 1, "b": [2,true,"thing"]]`` .. jme:function:: json_encode(data) :keywords: convert, stringify Convert the given object to a JSON string. Numbers, strings, booleans, lists, and dictionaries are converted in a straightforward manner. Other data types may behave unexpectedly. **Definitions**: * anything → :data:`string` **Example**: * ``json_encode([1,"a",true])`` → ``"[1,\"a\",true]"`` .. _jme-fns-subexpressions: Sub-expressions --------------- The :data:`expression` data type represents a JME expression. You can use it to store and manipulate expressions symbolically, substituting in other variables before evaluating or displaying to the student. There are functions to construct sub-expressions from strings of code, or by joining other sub-expressions together as the arguments to operators or functions. Once you've got a sub-expression, you can evaluate it to a normal JME data type, test if it matches a :ref:`pattern `, substitute values or other sub-expressions for free variables, rearrange using :ref:`simplification rules `, or test if it is equivalent to another sub-expression. .. jme:function:: expression(string) parse(string) :keywords: parse, jme, compile :noexamples: Parse a string as a JME expression. The expression can be substituted into other expressions, such as the answer to a mathematical expression part, or the ``\simplify`` LaTeX command. ``parse(string)`` is a synonym for ``expression(string)``. .. warning:: Note that the argument to ``expression`` is evaluated using the same rules as any other JME expression, so for example ``expression("2" + "x")`` is equivalent to ``expression("2x")``, not ``expression("2 + x")``. A good way to construct a randomised sub-expression is using :func:`substitute`. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`expression` **Example**: * `A question using randomly chosen variable names `_. .. jme:function:: eval(expression, values) :keywords: evaluate, jme Evaluate the given sub-expression. If ``values`` is given, it should be a dictionary mapping names of variables to their values. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression` → unspecified * :data:`expression`, :data:`dict` → unspecified **Example**: * ``eval(expression("1+2"))`` → ``3`` * ``eval(expression("x+1"), ["x":1])`` → ``2`` .. jme:function:: args(expression) :keywords: arguments, operands Returns the arguments of the top-level operation of ``expression``, as a list of sub-expressions. If ``expression`` is a data type other than an operation or function, an empty list is returned. Binary operations only ever have two arguments. For example, ``1+2+3`` is parsed as ``(1+2)+3``. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``args(expression("f(x)"))`` → ``[expression("x")]`` * ``args(expression("1+2+3"))`` → ``[expression("1+2"), expression("3")]`` * ``args(expression("1"))`` → ``[]`` .. jme:function:: type(expression) :keywords: kind Returns the name of the :ref:`data type ` of the top token in the expression, as a string. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression` → :data:`string` **Examples**: * ``type(expression("x"))`` → ``"name"`` * ``type(expression("1"))`` → ``"integer"`` * ``type(expression("x+1"))`` → ``"op"`` * ``type(expression("sin(x)"))`` → ``"function"`` .. jme:function:: name(string) :keywords: token Construct a :data:`name` token with the given name. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`name` **Example**: * ``name("x")`` → ``x`` .. jme:function:: op(name) :keywords: operator, operation, token :noexamples: Construct an operator with the given name. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`op` **Example**: * ``op("+")`` :no-test:`→` ``+`` .. jme:function:: function(name) :keywords: token :noexamples: Construct a function token with the given name. **Definitions**: * :data:`string` → :data:`func` **Example**: * ``function("sin")`` :no-test:`→` ``sin`` .. jme:function:: exec(op, arguments) :keywords: execute, apply, call Returns a sub-expression representing the application of the given operation to the list of arguments. **Definitions**: * :data:`op`, :data:`list` → :data:`expression` **Example**: * ``exec(op("+"), [2,1])`` → ``expression("2+1")`` * ``exec(op("-"), [2,name("x")])`` → ``expression("2-x")`` .. jme:function:: findvars(expression) :keywords: variables, unbound, free Return a list of all unbound variables used in the given expression. Effectively, this is all the variables that need to be given values in order for this expression to be evaluated. *Bound variables* are those defined as part of operations which also assign values to those variables, such as ``map`` or ``let``. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression` → :data:`list` **Examples**: * ``findvars(expression("x+1"))`` → ``["x"]`` * ``findvars(expression("x + x*y"))`` → ``["x","y"]`` * ``findvars(expression("map(x+2, x, [1,2,3])"))`` → ``[]`` .. jme:function:: substitute(variables,expression) :keywords: replace, variables, rewrite Substitute the given variable values into ``expression``. ``variables`` is a dictionary mapping variable names to values. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict`, :data:`expression` → :data:`expression` **Examples**: * ``substitute(["x": 1], expression("x + y"))`` → ``expression("1 + y")`` * ``substitute(["x": 1, "y": expression("sqrt(z+2)")], expression("x + y"))`` → ``expression("1 + sqrt(z + 2)")`` .. jme:function:: simplify(expression,rules) :keywords: rearrange, rewrite, transform Apply the given simplification rules to ``expression``, until no rules apply. ``rules`` is a list of names of rules to apply, given either as a string containing a comma-separated list of names, or a list of strings. Unlike the ``\\simplify`` command in content areas, the ``basic`` rule is not turned on by default. See :ref:`simplification-rules` for a list of rules available. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression`, :data:`string` → :data:`expression` * :data:`expression`, :data:`list` → :data:`expression` * :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`expression` **Examples**: * ``simplify(expression("1*x+cos(pi)"),"unitfactor")`` → ``expression("x+cos(pi)")`` * ``simplify(expression("1*x+cos(pi)"),["basic","unitfactor","trig"])`` → ``expression("x-1")`` .. jme:function:: expand_juxtapositions(expression, options) :keywords: implicit, multiplication, grammar Expand juxtapositions in variable and function names for implicit multiplication of terms or composition of functions. This is to do with strings of letters with no spaces or operator symbols between them. ``options`` is an optional dictionary of settings for the process. It can contain the following keys. * ``singleLetterVariables`` - Insist that all variable names consist of a single letter, interpreting longer strings of characters as implicit multiplication. Greek letters are considered to be one letter long. * ``noUnknownFunctions`` - When a name appears before a bracket, but it's not the name of a defined function, interpret it as a multiplication instead. This does not apply function applications with more than one argument. * ``implicitFunctionComposition`` - When several function names are juxtaposed together to form a string that is not the name of a defined function, or several function names are joined with the multiplication symbol ``*``, interpret it as implicity composition of functions. If ``options`` is not given, all of these are turned on. Variable name annotations, subscripts and primes do not count towards the number of letters in a name. **Definition**: * :data:`expression` → :data:`expression` * :data:`expression`, :data:`dict` → :data:`expression` **Examples**: * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("xy"))`` → ``expression("x*y")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("x'y"))`` → ``expression("x\'*y")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("pizza"))`` → ``expression("pi*z*z*a")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("hat:abc"))`` → ``expression("hat:a*b*c")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("xcos(x)"))`` → ``expression("x*cos(x)")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("lnabs(x)"))`` → ``expression("ln(abs(x))")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("ln*abs(x)"))`` → ``expression("ln(abs(x))")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("xy"),["singleLetterVariables": false])`` → ``expression("xy")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("x(x+1)"))`` → ``expression("x*(x+1)")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("x(x+1)"),["noUnknownFunctions": false])`` → ``expression("x(x+1)")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("ln*abs(x)"),["implicitFunctionComposition": false, "singleLetterVariables": true, "noUnknownFunctions": true])`` → ``expression("l*n*abs(x)")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("xy^z"))`` → ``expression("x*y^z")`` * ``expand_juxtapositions(expression("xy!"))`` → ``expression("x*y!")`` .. jme:function:: canonical_compare(expr1,expr2) :keywords: compare, comparison, order, sort Compare expressions ``a`` and ``b`` using the "canonical" ordering. Returns ``-1`` if ``a`` should go before ``b``, ``0`` if they are considered "equal", and ``1`` if ``a`` should go after ``b``. Expressions are examined in the following order: * Names used: all variable names used in each expression are collected in a depth-first search and the resulting lists are compared lexicographically. * Data type: if ``a`` and ``b`` are of different data types, :data:`op` and :data:`function` go first, and then they are compared using the names of their data types. * Polynomials: terms of the form ``x^b`` or ``a*x^b``, where ``a`` and ``b`` are numbers and ``x`` is a variable name, go before anything else. * Function name: if ``a`` and ``b`` are both function applications, they are compared using the names of the functions. If the functions are the same, the arguments are compared. Powers, or multiples of powers, go after anything else. * Number: if ``a`` and ``b`` are both numbers, the lowest number goes first. Complex numbers are compared by real part and then by imaginary part. * Elements of other data types are considered to be equal to any other value of the same data type. **Definitions**: * anything, anything → :data:`number` **Examples**: * ``canonical_compare(a,b)`` → ``-1`` * ``canonical_compare(f(y),g(x))`` → ``1`` * ``canonical_compare(f(x),g(x))`` → ``-1`` * ``canonical_compare("a","b")`` → ``0`` .. jme:function:: numerical_compare(a,b) :keywords: compare, numerical, evaluate, same Compare expression ``a`` and ``b`` by substituting random values in for the free variables. Returns ``true`` if ``a`` and ``b`` have exactly the same free variables, and produce the same results when evaluated against the randomly chosen values. For more control over the evaluation, see :func:`resultsequal`. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression`, :data:`expression` → :data:`boolean` **Example**: * ``numerical_compare(expression("x^2"), expression("x*x"))`` → ``true`` * ``numerical_compare(expression("x^2"), expression("2x"))`` → ``false`` * ``numerical_compare(expression("x^2"), expression("y^2"))`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: scope_case_sensitive(expression, [case_sensitive]) :keywords: case, sensitive, upper, lower Set the evaluation scope to be case-sensitive or not, depending on the value of ``case_sensitive``, and then evaluate ``expression``. If ``case_sensitive`` is not given, it defaults to ``true``. Case-sensitivity affects variable and function names. The names ``x`` and ``X`` are considered equivalent when not in case-sensitive mode, but are considered to be different when in case-sensitive mode. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression`, :data:`boolean` → unspecified **Example**: * ``scope_case_sensitive(findvars(expression("x+X")))`` → ``["X","x"]`` * ``scope_case_sensitive(let(x,1,X,2,x+X), true)`` → ``3`` Calculus -------- .. jme:function:: diff(expression,variable) :keywords: differentiate, calculus, derivative Differentiate the given expression with respect to the given variable name **Definitions**: * :data:`expression`, :data:`string` → :data:`expression` **Example**: * ``diff(expression("x^2 + 2x + 4"), "x")`` → ``expression("2x + 2")`` * ``diff(expression("x * y + 3x + 2y"), "x")`` → ``expression("y + 3")`` * ``diff(expression("cos(x^2)"), "x")`` → ``expression("-2 * sin(x^2) * x")`` .. _jme-fns-pattern-matching: Pattern-matching sub-expressions -------------------------------- .. jme:function:: match(expr, pattern, options) :keywords: test, pattern, expression If ``expr`` matches ``pattern``, return a dictionary of the form ``["match": boolean, "groups": dict]``, where ``"groups"`` is a dictionary mapping names of matches to sub-expressions. See :ref:`the documentation on pattern-matching mathematical expressions `. If you don't need to use any parts of the matched expression, use :jme:func:`matches` instead. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression`, :data:`string` → :data:`dict` * :data:`expression`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`dict` **Examples**: * ``match(expression("x+1"),"?;a + ?;b")`` → ``["match": true, "groups": ["a": expression("x"), "b": expression("1"), "_match": expression("x+1")]]`` * ``match(expression("sin(x)"), "?;a + ?;b")`` → ``["match": false, "groups": dict()]`` * ``match(expression("x+1"),"1+?;a")`` → ``["match": true, "groups": ["a": expression("x"), "_match": expression("x+1")]]`` .. jme:function:: matches(expr, pattern, options) :keywords: test, pattern, expression Return ``true`` if ``expr`` matches ``pattern``. Use this if you're not interested in capturing any parts of the matched expression. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression`, :data:`string` → :data:`boolean` * :data:`expression`, :data:`string`, :data:`string` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``matches(expression("x+1"),"?;a + ?;b")`` → ``true`` * ``matches(expression("sin(x)"), "?;a + ?;b")`` → ``false`` .. jme:function:: replace(pattern, replacement, expr) :keywords: substitute, pattern, expression Replace occurrences of ``pattern`` in ``expr`` with the expression created by substituting the matched items into ``replacement``. **Definitions**: * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`expression` → :data:`expression` * :data:`string`, :data:`string`, :data:`expression`, :data:`string` → :data:`expression` **Examples**: * ``replace("?;x + ?;y", "x*y", expression("1+2"))`` → ``expression("1*2")`` * ``replace("?;x + ?;y", "f(x,y)", expression("1+2+3"))`` → ``expression("f(f(1,2),3)")`` * ``replace("0*?", "0", expression("0*sin(x) + x*0 + 2*cos(0*pi)"))`` → ``expression("0 + 0 + 2*cos(0)")`` .. _jme-fns-data-types: Identifying data types ---------------------- .. jme:function:: type(x) :keywords: kind Returns the name of the :ref:`data type ` of ``x``. **Example**: * ``type(1)`` → ``"integer"`` .. jme:function:: x isa type :keywords: is, test, same, type :op: isa Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is of the :ref:`data type ` ``type``. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`string` → :data:`boolean` **Examples**: * ``1 isa "number"`` → ``true`` * ``x isa "name"`` → ``true`` (if ``x`` is not defined in this scope) * ``x isa "number"`` :no-test:`→` ``true`` (if ``x`` has a numerical value in this scope) .. jme:function:: x as type :keywords: convert, cast, type :op: as Convert ``x`` to the given data type, if possible. If ``x`` can not be automatically converted to ``type``, an error is thrown. **Definitions**: * anything, :data:`string` → given type **Examples**: * ``dec(1.23) as "number"`` → ``1.23`` * ``set(1,2,3) as "list"`` → ``[1,2,3]`` .. jme:function:: infer_variable_types(expression) :keywords: variable, type Attempt to infer the types of free variables in the given expression. There can be more than one valid assignment of types to the variables in an expression. For example, in the expression ``a+a``, the variable ``a`` can be any type which has a defined addition operation. Returns the first possible assignment of types to variables, as a dictionary mapping variable names to the name of its type. If a variable name is missing from the dictionary, the algorithm can't establish any constraint on it. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression` → :data:`dict` **Examples**: * ``infer_variable_types(expression("x^2"))`` → ``["x": "number"]`` * ``infer_variable_types(expression("union(a,b)"))`` → ``["a": "set", "b": "set"]`` * ``infer_variable_types(expression("k*det(a)"))`` → ``[ "k": "number", "a": "matrix" ]`` .. jme:function:: infer_type(expression) :keywords: result, type Attempt to infer the type of the value produced by the given expression, which may contain free variables. First, the types of any free variables are inferred. Then, definitions of an operations or functions in the function are chosen to match the types of their arguments. Returns the name of the expression's output type as a string, or ``"?"`` if the type can't be determined. **Definitions**: * :data:`expression` → :data:`string` **Examples**: * ``infer_type(expression("x+2"))`` → ``"number"`` * ``infer_type(expression("id(n)"))`` → ``"matrix"`` * ``infer_type(expression("random(2,true)"))`` → ``"?"`` .. _jme-fns-inspecting-the-scope: Inspecting the evaluation scope ------------------------------- .. jme:function:: definedvariables() :keywords: variables, list, scope :noexamples: Returns a list containing the names of every variable defined in the current scope, as strings. **Definitions**: * () → :data:`list` .. jme:function:: isset(name) :keywords: variable, set, test :noexamples: Returns ``true`` if the variable with the given name has been defined in the current scope. **Definitions**: * :data:`name` → :data:`boolean` .. jme:function:: unset(names, expression) :keywords: delete, remove, variables :noexamples: Temporarily remove the named variables, functions and rulesets from the scope, and evaluate the given expression. ``names`` is a dictionary of the form ``["variables": list, "functions": list, "rulesets": list]``. **Definitions**: * :data:`dict`, anything → unspecified